NNSA Synergistic Activities at TUNL The Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab is developing excellent facilities for studying (n, xn ) reactions. Resources provided through NNSA/DOE grant # DE-PS52-05NA25930 have supplied four HPGE Clover Detectors, two Planar Detectors and supporting equipment. The research program at TUNL has developed components that utilize these resources to support both SSAA mission objectives and other curiosity driven nuclear-physics research objectives. HPGe and Planar -ray detectors are supported on moveable plates that can cover lab angles ranging from 20 O to 160 O. A liquid scintillator neutron detector is positioned 2.0-meters from the target (at 0 O ) to monitor the neutron beam characteristics and flux. A second neutron beam area in the “NTOF Target Room” comprises a nominally unshielded neutron production cell that has been used in our 241 Am(n, 2n) activation measurements. We plan to add a third neutron beam-line that is dedicated to this work. Neutron Beam Facility & -ray Detectors Insight into relevance of neutron induced reactions in deep underground experiments Activities Supported in part by the NNSA under the Stewardship Science Academic Alliances Program DOE grant #DE-PS52-05NA25930, and by DOE DE-FG02-97ER41033 (Duke) and DE-FG02-97ER41042 (NC-State). I d =1 A 7.8 atm beam pickoff 2 H(d,n) 3 He COPPER For the past several years, the TUNL REU program has started their 10-week summer session by measuring 28 Si, 32 S(n, n’ ) scattering using the NNSA HPGe array and TUNL’s NaI and liquid-scintillator detectors. This two-day exercise, which includes detector and electronics set-up, data taking and analysis, and oral presentation of observations introduces students to basic laboratory techniques and demonstrates the utility of high resolution spectroscopy for materials identification. The Majorana Experiment Expected 0 Signal 2039 keV peak 2039 keV REU Student Projects Open questions that can be addressed in 2 decay studies : Are Majorana particles? (self anti-particles) Is lepton number conserved? (Standard Model) observation yields neutrino mass could give insight into neutrino mass hierarchy Backgrounds from Pb(n,2n ) Cu(n,2n ) Time ReactionEnergies[MeV] May U(n,2nγ) 237 U En = 6, 10 Aug U(n,2n γ) 237 U En = 8, 10, 14 Feb Zr(n,n'γ) 90 Zr En = 6 Feb Yb(n,n'γ) 89 Yb En = 6 Feb Sn(n,n'γ) 112 Sn En = 6.5, 7.5, 8.0 Feb Sn(n,n'γ) 124 Sn En = 6.5, 7.5, 8.0 May U(n,n'γ) 235 U En = 5 Jun U(n,2n'γ) 234 U En = 12 Jun 2005 nat Hf(n,xn'γ) En = 12 Jun O(n,n'γ) 16 O En = 7 Jun C(n,n'γ) 12 C En = 7 Dec U(n,2n'γ) 234 U En = 12.0 Jan U(n,2n'γ) 234 U En = 10.0, 8.0 Jan Ta(n,2n'γ) 180 Ta En = 14.5 Feb Ce(n,2n'γ) 139 Ce En = Zr(n,n’ ) 94 Zr En = Am(n,2n) ActivationEn 8-14 Jun 2006 nat Cu, nat Pb(n,n’ ) En=8,12 Oct ,238 U(n, 2n ) En=10 Dec Am(n,2n) Activation En=8-16 Dec U(n, 2n ) 253 U En=12 Jan U(n,2n ) 235 U En=8 Since 2003 a variety of measurements have been carried out utilizing the TUNL neutron beam-lines and the NNSA funded HPGe detector array. Our efforts are dominated by studies in the actinide region, though additional measurements have contributed interests in other projects, and student training exercises. Two experimental halls at TUNL are dedicated to neutron beam research. In the Shielded Neutron Source Area (above) neutrons can be produced using either the 2 H(d,n) or 3 H(p,n) reaction. The ion beams are chopped and bunched prior to entering the FN Tandem accelerator. A copper collimator defines the neutron beam size and trajectory; further beam cleanup is provided by Pb and Li-doped plastic shielding. In early 2006 we collaborated with Steve Yates et al., from the University of Kentucky to carry out a study of mixed symmetry states in 94 Zr. In this experiment we utilized the high efficiency of our clover array, by measuring 94 Zr(n,n’ ) two -ray coincidence data. Preliminary results were presented at the DNP meeting in Nashville. J.H. Kelley 1, B. Fallin 2, A. Hutcheson 2, H.J. Karwowski 3, E. Kwan 2, A.P. Tonchev 2, W. Tornow 2 & Collaborators 1 Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab & North Carolina State University 2 Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab & Duke University 1 Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab & University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill