AP Psych DMA What are the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder? Delusions of persecution are common in which form of schizophrenia? Please turn in FRQ # 3
Today’s Agenda DMA/turn in FRQ #3 Vote on t-shirt designs Grade FRQ #1&2 Review session Chapter 16 ◦Somatoform disorders ◦Case studies Homework Chap. 16 & 17 Test – Monday, Mar. 19 th Chap. 16 & 17 notes due Monday, Mar. 19 th
T-Shirt Design Voting Everyone needs 3 stars Look at all the designs Put a star on the 3 designs you want to vote for.
FRQ Grading Grab your FRQ & a scoring guide Swap with a neighbor BE BRUTAL!!! when grading Give the scoring guide & drafts back.
Chap. 16 & 17 Review Session Monday, March 19 th 7:00 AM Wheeler’s classroom
Disorders – a little review… Anxiety ◦Generalized Anxiety ◦OCD ◦Panic Mood ◦Major Depression ◦Bipolar Dissociative ◦Dissociative Identity (DID) ◦Amnesia ◦Fugue
Dissociative Disorders
Depersonalization Disorder Feels detached from mind or body. ◦Feels as those memories didn’t happen to him/her. Experiences numbness / physical symptoms. May experience flashbacks, panic attacks, etc…
Schizophrenia Schizophrenia “split mind” a group of severe disorders characterized by: disorganized & delusional thinking disturbed perceptions inappropriate emotions & actions
Schizophrenia Delusions false beliefs, often of persecution or grandeur, that may accompany psychotic disorders Hallucinations sensory experiences without sensory stimulation
Somatoform Disorders
General Characteristics Person experiences a physical symptoms (ex. pain) or a medical disorder. ◦No medical condition is present ◦Often discovered in a medical setting ◦Psychological stress/trauma translates into a physical problem.
Conversion Disorder Psychological trauma is changed into a symbolic physical dysfunction. ◦Example: witness a horrible accident and then you go blind.
Pain Disorder Feel pain. Pain causes distress Psychological factors are judged to have played an important role in the onset, severity, etc… of the pain.
Hypochondrias Feeling excessive concern about one’s health. Exaggerates the seriousness of physical complaints. Research medical issues Discuss medical problems (seek attention) May have been given attention when he/she was young and ill.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Become obsessively focused on one part of the body. ◦Usually the face. Feel as though body part is ugly, fat, unattractive… Compare body part to others (pictures, in person…). ◦Ex. a 14 year-old girl begins obsessing about the shape of her eyes (complains about them, spends considerable amount of time looking at them, compares them to other people’s…)
Personality Disorders 1. Read the section on personality disorders in chapter Select 3 of the personality disorders and compare/contrast them. ◦Use the three circle venn diagram. 3. Explain why antisocial personality disorder is the “most troubling” of them. What sets it apart? How does biology and environment (nature/nurture) affect it? 4. You may work with a partner (if you wish) Turn in your answers when you are done.
Case Studies