Eve of Revolution What was the social structure of the old regime? Why did France face economic troubles in 1789? Why did Louis XVI call the Estates General? Why did a Paris crowd storm the Bastille?
The Old Regime FIRST ESTATE SECOND ESTATE THIRD ESTATE 1 The Old Regime Under the ancien regime, or old order, everyone in France belonged to one of three classes. FIRST ESTATE SECOND ESTATE THIRD ESTATE The BOURGEOISIE and PEASANTS Peasants were 90% of population Resented privilege of first and second estates Burdened by taxes Many earned miserable wages faced hunger,even starvation The NOBILITY Owned land but had little money income Hated absolutism Feared losing traditional privilege, especially exemption from taxes The CLERGY Enjoyed enormous wealth and privilege Owned about 10 percent of land, collected tithes, and paid no taxes Provided some social services
The Three Estates
A. Financial Troubles 1. Deficit Spending led to continued economic problems. a. Wars had strained the national treasury. b. Costs rose during 1700s. c. Bad harvests in 1780s led to soaring food prices, widespread hunger. d. Govt. needed to increase taxes, decrease spending.
B. Economic Reforms Fail 1. Louis XVI – weak & indecisive king. A. Jacques Necker was his financial advisor. B. Necker proposed many reforms 1. reduce govt. spending 2. abolish tariffs 3. tax first & second estates 4. King forced to dismiss him by 1st & 2nd estates.
C. Deepening Crisis 1. Wealthy demanded King to summon the Estates General. a. Legislative body/representatives from all three classes. b. 1st time called in 175 years. c. Some nobles hoped for peaceful changes
D. Estates General called 1. 1789-France on verge of bankruptcy a. Bread riots b. nobles denounced royal tyranny c. Louis called estates general 1. had estates prepare lists of grievances (cahiers) 2. Lists contained boiling class resentments.
The Meeting of the Estates General 1 France’s economic crisis worsened, bread riots spread, and nobles denounced royal tyranny. Louis XVI summoned the Estates General. The Third Estate declared themselves to be the National Assembly and invited delegates from the other two estates to help them write a constitution. After the Tennis Court Oath, reform-minded clergy and nobles joined the Assembly, Louis accepted it.
Tennis Court Oath
E. Storming of the Bastille 1. July, 14, 1789, more than 800 Parisians gathered outside the Bastille 2. They demanded weapons believed to be stored there. 3. A battle ensued, many were killed 4. Symbol of the French Revolution
Storming of the Bastille
Which class made up 98 percent of the population of France in 1789? a) the First Estate b) the Second Estate c) the Third Estate d) the First and Second estates combined Which of the following was not a cause of France’s economic troubles? a) deficit spending b) bad harvests c) overspending by Louis XIV d) increased wages for peasant workers