A Webquest: By: Sarah Cleesattel and Beth Anne Kosiak Georgia’s 7 Wonders A Webquest: By: Sarah Cleesattel and Beth Anne Kosiak
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
Introduction Most students have heard of the 7 Wonders of the World. Did you know that Georgia has 7 Natural Wonders? Georgia is an amazing state, rich in history and full of natural beauty. A contest sponsored by a local radio station offers an all expense, week vacation for a student and their family to one of the 7 Natural Wonders of Georgia.
Task In order to win this trip, you must learn about the 7 Wonders of Georgia, and create a poster describing the Wonder that you wish to visit. Your research will need to include the location of all 7 Wonders, and a minimum of 3 interesting/important facts about each. After researching all 7 Wonders, you will create a poster that includes pictures, facts, and a brief 2-3 paragraph description about the Wonder you wish to visit. You will navigate through various websites in order to gather information about the 7 Wonders, and to help you decided which one you want to visit.
Process 1) You will be assigned a partner. You and your partner should decide what role you will take for the first 15 minutes of research: 1) Note-taker: record notes on 7 wonders worksheet, 2) Researcher: navigate through the websites and assist note-taker in deciding what information to include on the worksheet. (These roles will switch every 15 minutes) As you navigate through the websites, make sure you complete the worksheet, and start to think about what Wonder you would like to visit. The worksheet will be graded. 2) After you have completed the worksheet, decide which of the 7 Natural Wonders of Georgia you would like to visit. Complete the graphic organizer for this Wonder. (This will be your guide for creating the poster)
Process continued… 3) Create a poster that illustrates why you picked that particular Wonder to visit. Both group members must participate in making the poster. Include in your poster: Map of Georgia showing the location of the Wonder A minimum of 2 pictures Minimum of 3 interesting facts about the Wonder 2-3 paragraphs describing why you chose that Wonder Any additional information you want to include about the Wonder
Resources Stone Mountain: Where is Stone Mountain located? Why is it considered a Natural Wonder of Georgia, and who is carved into the side ? Click on the photos to learn more about Stone Mountain. Make sure you take notes.
Resources Amicalola Falls: Imagine standing at the top of a 729 foot waterfall. In Cherokee, what is the meaning of Amicalola ? Click on the photo to answer this question and learn more about the falls.
Resources Tallulah Gorge: Imagine walking across a suspension bridge over 80 feet above the gorge. Click on the images to learn more about Tallulah Gorge.
Resources Warm Springs: What president made What is the name of the Warm Springs famous building in the back- In 1924? Click on the ground of this slide? picture to find out. Find out by clicking on the image.
Resources Okefenokee Swamp Where would you find 233 species of birds, 49 species of mammals, 64 species of reptiles, 37 species of amphibians, and 39 species of fish all living together? Click on each image to learn more about the Okefenokee Swamp.
Resources Providence Canyon Did you know that Providence Canyon began forming in the early 1800s as a result of poor soil-management practices of farmers? Click on each image to learn more about Providence Canyon.
Resources Radium Springs How can water stay 68 degrees all year round? Learn more about Georgia’s largest naturally occurring spring by clicking on the images.
Evaluation Students will complete worksheets with 80% accuracy Students will accurately and completely fill out the Graphic Organizer for the Wonder of their choice Students will produce a poster for the Wonder of their choice with 80% accuracy according to the rubric
Evaluation: Worksheet Name of Natural Wonder:___________________ Location of Georgia Wonder: (Draw location on the map) In a complete sentence please state why the location is a natural wonder: Please state three interesting facts using the space provided: 1. 2. 3. Any additional important / interesting information: Resource / websites used for information:
Evaluation: Graphic Organizer Name of your natural Wonder --------------------------- ---- Which 2 pictures are you going to include? 1) 2) Why did you choose this Wonder? 1) 2) 3) List 3 interesting facts about your wonder of interest. 1) 2) 3) Additional information that can be used for paragraph:
Evaluation: Poster Rubric Rubric for poster: Evaluation: Poster Rubric Criteria: Content Points Area of interest addressed 5 points: your wonder is described accurately with details describing location, points of interest and reason for importance 4 points: Your wonder of interest is described with details and location 3 points: Your wonder is described with location and points of interest 2 points: You wonder is mentioned and briefly described 1 point: Your wonder is mentioned 0 points: There is not mention of your wonder Map 5 points: There is a map that includes exact location of wonder, notation of other landmarks such as rivers and mountain ranges and is colored. Map includes exact location of wonder, and is colored Map includes location of wonder and is colored Map includes general location of wonder 1 points: Map does not pinpoint location No Map Pictures (2) Includes 2 pictures, description of each picture and why you chose each picture Includes 2 pictures, and a description of each Includes 2 pictures - no description Includes 1 picture, description, and reason for choice Includes 1 picture No pictures Facts (3) 3 important facts are included and stated in a complete sentence 3 important facts are included, not stated in complete sentences 2 facts are included and stated in complete sentences 2 facts are included and not in complete sentences 1 fact is included and in a complete sentence 1 fact not in a complete sentence OR No facts included Paragraph Paragraph accurately describes wonder (reason for choice, location, importance), and is grammatically correct. Paragraph describes location, but is missing some information, but is grammatically accurate Paragraph mentions wonder and reason for choice, contain minor grammatical errors Paragraph mentions wonder, does not include reasons for choice, and contains significant grammatical errors Only mentions the wonder and reason for choice. Grammar errors impact comprehension. No paragraph
Georgia Performance Standards SS8G1: Will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location. c. Locate and evaluate the importance of key physical features on the development of Georgia; including the fall line, Okefenokee Swamp, mountains, rivers, and barrier islands.
Conclusion In completing this Webquest, you have familiarized yourself with the 7 Natural Wonders of Georgia. Now that you have all your information on each Wonder, you may begin creating your poster to demonstrate your knowledge/choice to the class. Hopefully, as you have completed this Webquest, you have gained interesting and useful information about your state. Your teacher and classmates look forward to seeing your presentation/poster on your selected destination for the contest.
References/Credits http://www.henry.k12.ga.us/pges/instruction/kid-pages/seven-georgia/default.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_Mountain http://www.henry.k12.ga.us/pges/instruction/kid-pages/seven-georgia/AFalls.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amicalola_Falls_State_Park http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tallulah_Gorge http://www.henry.k12.ga.us/pges/instruction/kid-pages/seven-georgia/tallulah.html http://www.feri.org/archives/polio/warmsprings.cfm http://www.warmspringsga.com/warmsprings.htm http://www.fws.gov/okefenokee/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okefenokee_Swamp
References/Credits Continued http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-943 http://gastateparks.org/info/providence/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium_Springs,_Georgia http://www.answers.com/topic/radium-springs-georgia Created by: Sarah Cleesattel and Beth Anne Kosiak