Fertiliser Definition A substance, often an artificial chemical mixture, that is spread on soil to make it more fertile. They provide one or more essential nutrient to aid plant growth. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium are the main elements use in INORGANIC (artificial) fertilisers. ORGANIC fertilisers are based on decomposed plant and animal matter.
Pesticides Any chemical used to control or kill pests. e.g. insecticide, fungicide Any chemical used to control or kill pests. e.g. insecticide, fungicide
The Effects of Modern Farming Methods Paying for Spraying
Positive effects The amount of artificial fertilisers and pesticides used in Britain has increased threefold since Crops grow faster and are healthier Crops grow faster and are healthier More food is produced More food is produced
Negative effects Pesticides and fertilisers may harm wildlife Pesticides and fertilisers may harm wildlife Nitrates in fertilisers are washed into streams - this causes eutrophication and may pollute groundwater drinking supplies Nitrates in fertilisers are washed into streams - this causes eutrophication and may pollute groundwater drinking supplies Some scientists believe that high nitrate levels may cause cancer Some scientists believe that high nitrate levels may cause cancer
Task Use the newspaper article to make a list of the ways that artificial inputs in modern intensive farming could be a ‘Risk to Health’
Eutrophication The process whereby a body of freshwater becomes enriched or fertile. The process whereby a body of freshwater becomes enriched or fertile. This is as a result of chemicals accumulating in the water from fertilisers or industrial waste. This is as a result of chemicals accumulating in the water from fertilisers or industrial waste.
How does fertiliser get into the water? How does fertiliser get into the water? The additional nutrients cause algae and phyto-plankton to multiply rapidly. The additional nutrients cause algae and phyto-plankton to multiply rapidly. This results in an ALGAL BLOOM. This results in an ALGAL BLOOM.
ALGAL BLOOMS These cause 2 main problems: They use oxygen in the water They use oxygen in the water & block out the light & block out the light Other organisms are starved of oxygen and light and die. Other organisms are starved of oxygen and light and die.
Organic farming Create an advert for the NFU weekly newsletter – “Farming Today” to encourage more farmers to switch to organic methods. It should: Say WHAT organic farming involves Explain its ADVANTAGES Explain why it is SUSTAINABLE
Useful definitions Sustainable farming & Stewardship: The concept of farm land as a resource, our responsibility to wisely manage that resource, and our responsibility to future generations for the condition of that resource when we leave it. related to the environment, the concept of responsible caretaking; based on the premise that we do not own resources, but are managers and are responsible to future generations for their condition Caring for the land and its resources to pass healthy ecosystems to future generations.
Useful reference and website Read the organics document from the “farming and countryside education” centre. A copy is on T:\Geography\Students\Year 11\Paper 2 - Human\Farming\organics.doc Read the organics document from the “farming and countryside education” centre. A copy is on T:\Geography\Students\Year 11\Paper 2 - Human\Farming\organics.doc The Soil Association is a good starting point ons.html rganic.html The Soil Association is a good starting point ons.html rganic.html rganic.html rganic.html