Satoko Horiyama MIURA Satellite Applications and Operations Center JAXA
Data Processing Software for EO Satellites MOS JERS-1 ADEOS ADEOS-II TRMM/PR Aqua/AMSR-E ALOS GOSAT GCOM-W1 GPM/DPR 2
(From WGISS-39 ESA slides) Approaches 1.Preservation of hardware (techno-centric) 2.Emulation (data-centric) 3.Virtualization (data-centric) 4.Migration (functionality-centric) 5.Cultivation (process-centric) 6.Hibernation (knowledge-centric) 7.Deprecation (budget-centric) 8.Procrastination (I'll-get-round to it eventually -centric) ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use
No.ApproachesPossible?Notes 1Preservation of hardware 2Emulation 3Virtualization 4Migration 5CultivationMaybe in the future 6Hibernation 7DeprecationNot yet, but… 8Procrastination 4
5 No.ApproachesIssues 1Preservation of hardwareSupport completion is certain to come. 3VirtualizationSupport completion is certain to come to “a hypervisor”. 4MigrationHigh cost is required every few years. 8ProcrastinationToday OK, but tomorrow…
6 Contract (lease / service) Completion Extended support *1 available? Contract Extension System Replacement Yes No No.1 Preservation of hardware (No.8 Procrastination) No.3 Virtualization No.4 Migration *1: Including H/W and S/W (OS, COTS, OSS, etc) support.
7 Reliability > Cost On-going Reliability ~= Cost To be completed soon Reliability < Cost Already completed Emphasis
These mission software was/will be migrated with its following mission; TRMM/PR -> GPM/DPR (GPM/DPR processing software has a function to process TRMM/PR data). ALOS -> ALOS-2 GOSAT -> GOSAT-2 (not launched yet) 8
Around 2000 Y2K Problem Not “free and open” policy 9 Archive Data Processing System (ADPS) MOS Processing System ADEOS Processing system JERS-1 Processing System No virtualization Limited capability (for limited user requests)
2013 Data Policy change Free and Open Support completion of the ADPS is approaching. System concept change Request base processing -> Process and archive all the data (all SAR data and cloud-free optical data). 10 ADPS JERS-1/SAR Processing system Expanded ADPS New System Virtualization used Existing System
2017 The ADPS will stop its operation in March. All the processed data will be available to any users. Additional processing may be required, but will be very rare. 11 Expanded ADPS New ADPS New System No Virtualization used No network connection Limited capability & reliability
A hypervisor S/W Study results in 2014 Purpose : to decrease migration/replacement frequency Target: VMware, KVM, Xen 12 VMwareKVMXen VendorDevelopmentVMware Inc.linux-kvm.orgXen Project SalesVMware Inc.Redhat Inc.Citrix Inc. Release Frequency1 year3 years1 year H/W CompatibilityBased on “Hardware Compatibility List” Guest OS CompatibilityBased on “Compatibility List” Technical Support5 years5 or 10 years5 years
13 Hypervisor S/W Ver. 1.0 H/W AH/W BH/W C Hypervisor S/W Ver. 2.0 NG OK Guest OS Ver. 1.0 Guest OS Ver. 2.0 Guest OS Ver. 3.0 Every 1 or 3 years * * In general, support (maintenance updates and upgrades, bug and security fixes) duration is about 5 years.