Radiative Transfer Modelling for the Characterisation of Natural Burnt Surfaces ITT 5526: Algorithm Validation Plan (AVP) Prof. Philip Lewis 1, Dr. Mathias Disney 1, Prof. Martin Wooster 2, Dr. Bernard Pinty 3, Prof. David Roy 4 1. UCL; 2. KCL; 3. JRC; 4. SDSU
Optical fieldwork Rationale – Generation of 3D RT models Key structural and radiometric measurements of canopy before/after burn Spatial distribution of vegetation – Validation/testing of 3D RT models Characterise before/after signal to simulate EO signal & compare with EO data – Site selection encompasses variations of both cover type and fire regimes
Sites: Satara Models
Sites: Pretoriuskop Models
Sites: Skukuza Models
Sites: Mopani Models
Measurement strategy Ground-based – 2-3 transects along sites of ~200m per site, separated by 25m – Hemiphotos, LAI2k every 10-20m, GPS’d and marked with stakes (to survive burn), spectral measurements and scene components Helicopter – Follow (as far as possible), same transects but measure every 50m (ish) – Downward and oblique photography plus spectral measurements
Measurement strategy Models 2-3 transects of ~200m per site (avoid edge effects) Measurements every 10-20m along transects points per site
Optical fieldwork: structural Tree number, location and structure Tree location (GPS), height (clinometer), DBH (tape), crown size (tape, clinometer) Post burn loss of trees? Crown size DBH
Optical fieldwork: structural Pre/post burn oblique aerial photography Tree height, % tree cover
Optical fieldwork: structural Gap fraction and LAI eff Hemiphotos, LAI eff (LAI2000) from same locations within canopy
Optical fieldwork: radiometric (spectral) Ground-based 2 x ASD FS Pro spectroradiometer ( nm, 1nm band width) Following grid pattern laid out for hemiphotos etc. 1-3m above canopy (low stature) m IFOV (single material) Above smaller trees (ladder), then…. transects
Optical fieldwork: radiometric (spectral) Helicopter measurements ASD mounted on 1.5m pole, extended from helicopter 2nd instrument measuring irradiance on the ground Multiple measurements at multiple points in each site, from ~100m I.e. IFOV 20-40m (scene-wide)
Optical fieldwork: radiometric (spectral) Scene components – Leaf size, shape (photos) and using ASD contact probe – Burned and unburned material, bark, wood etc.
3D RT models Models Structure from 3D modelling software (OnyxTREE) A large range of parameters, existing models, complex/very flexible Explicit removal of wood, leaf material (post burn)
3D RT models Wide range of plant shapes and forms including trees, bushes and grasses
3D RT models Iterative parameterisation of shape, gap fraction, DBH, height, based on field measurements – Forward modelling to compare with field measurements – Inverse to derive canopy parameters (fCOVER, LAIeff) from observations Radiometric (leaf, trunk etc.) info. from ASD measurements iterate
3D RT models Spruce plantation….etc.
3D RT models Model development requires field measurements