Mamluk Saladin (d. 1193) mamluk = “owned” Qipchaq steppe Baybars (r ) 1250 Mamluks seize power in Egypt 1260 Mamluks defeat Mongols in Syria 1261 Baybars installs ‘Abbasid caliph in Cairo 1517 Ottomans oust Mamluks
Sultan Hasan Complex, Cairo. (bt )
Saljuq Sultanate of Rum, c Ottoman Empire, founded by Osman (d. 1326) Sogut gazi/ghazi = holy warrior
1326 Orhan (r ) takes Bursa 1361 Orhan takes Edirne Reign of Murat (Murad) I Reign of Bayezit (Bayezid) I
devshirme system Janissary, from Yeni Çeri = “New Force”
1395 Bayezit besieges Constantinople 1396 Bayezit defeats crusaders at Nicopolis