Portfolio report January 2014
SUMMARY LOAN BOOK NYDA Loan Book MicrofinanceSME UYFNYDAUYFNYDA Total Value of loans approved R R R R Total Value of loans disbursed R R R R *Collected R R R R Loans disbursed to partners Marang Loan C R - 0 R SACCOL R - 0 R Value with interest R R Amount Owed R R R R Total R
PAR Loan Book - Snap Shot - PAR - December 2013 DescriptionMICROFINANCESME Loan Book as at May 2013R R No. of Loans Outstanding Risk in valueR R PAR %94.87% 94% No. of Risk Balance of Loans Handed over (30,60,90 days) 30 June 2013R R Handed Over - PAR16% 87% No. of Loans Hand over % of No. of Loans Handed over7% 73% Balance of Loans (Days) 30 Days60 Days90 Days + 30 Days60 Days90 Days + Risk in value R R R R R R Days - PAR % 0.19%0.77%93.91%5.91%2.32%86.00% No. of Loans on 30 Days % of No. of Loans in 30 Days 0%1%95.78%11.00%3.00%86.00% UYFNYDA UYFNYDA Balance of loans issuedR R R R No of loans R R R No of loans at Risk % loans at Risk100%89.95%97.62%59% % of UYF/Loan book49%46%84%10% No payments in the past 6 months R R no. of loans % at Risk/Loan book 89% R 82.00
LITIGATION SUMMARY LITIGATION REPORT - DEC 2013 ClientsSMEMicrofinance Total loans handed over for collections91 R R Section 129 letters R -12 R Summons 69 R Liquidations8 R R - Judgements51 R R Approved settlement offers4 R R - Payment Arrangements0 10 R Proposed settlement offers11 R R - Emolument Attachment Orders1 R R - Application: Declare Immovable property executable5 R R - Exhausted legal process: no prospects of collection5 R R - Untraceable clients9 R R Inquiry into client's finances7 R R - Legal action on hold (payments instalments in progress 5 R
PROGRESS TO DATE Developing collection prioritization and debt collection strategies to minimize the impact of loan default In a process of procuring the services of debt collectors from database to scale up the collection process to clients who have already defaulted Improving collections management systems Negotiate settlement offers Flexible in loan re-scheduling or rehabilitation in case of Jeopardy Situation Providing business development support services such as mentorship, guidance or coaching, and where possible link business to market opportunities to be able to increase their sales Recommend write-offs where there is justification