Jeopardy Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Q 16Q 11Q 21 Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 8 Q 13 Q 18 Q 23 Q 9 Q 14 Q 19Q 24 Q 10 Q 15 Q 20Q 25 Final Jeopardy Oceans
Question 1 Name the four oceans & tell which one is deepest.
Answer 1 Atlantic, Pacific Arctic, Indian Pacific is deepest
Question 2 As currents flow down the continental slope, they pick up and carry sediments and deposit them just below the continental slope. These sediments accumulate (gather) to form the large, gentle slope of the ________________.
Answer 2 continental rise
Question 3 The Major Cause of Tides is the moon's gravity large fish sun’s gravity ocean plains
Answer 3 The Major Cause of Tides is the moon's gravity large fish sun’s gravity ocean plains
Question 4 The steep drop from the continental shelf to the ocean floor is called _____. continental slope west wind drift continental drift Gulf Stream
Answer 4 The steep drop from the continental shelf to the ocean floor is called _____. continental slope west wind drift continental drift Gulf Stream
Question 5 Great rivers of water that move through the ocean are called _____. whitecaps currents tides waves
Answer 5 Great rivers of water that move through the ocean are called _____. whitecaps currents tides waves
Question 6 What is the name of the gentle slope at the edge of a continent.
Answer 6 Continental Shelf
Question 7 Marine organisms are dependent on the ___ in the ocean for survival.
Answer 7 dissolved gases
Question 8 I affect the mixing of ocean waters and the plant and animal populations in certain parts of the ocean. I can also affect navigation routes. What am I?
Answer 8 currents
Question 9 What do we call the large, flat ocean land?
Answer 9 Abyssal Plain
Question 10 What is the name given to the steep drop off in to the steep drop off in the ocean floor. the ocean floor.
Answer 10 The Continental Slope
Question 11 Ocean currents, including the Gulf Stream, are caused by ___ & ___. the wind patterns the amount of sunlight the differences in water densities the salinity of the water
Answer 11 the wind patterns the amount of sunlight the differences in water densities the salinity of the water
Question 12 Complete these statements about plant- like plankton (phytoplankton) phytoplankton : produce much of the Earth’s _______ serve as the base of the ocean _______ flourish in areas where ______________
Answer 12 phytoplankton : produce much of the Earth’s oxygen serve as the base of the ocean ecosystem. flourish in areas where nutrient rich water upwells from the deep.
Question 13 Most ocean currents originate from the __________.
Answer 13 EQUATOR
Question 14 _____are the deepest parts of the ocean. deep salt areas deep sea trenches equitorial abyssals abyssal trenches
Answer 14 Deep-sea trenches
Question 15 How much of the earth is covered with water?
Answer 15 About 70 percent
Question 16 Underwater rivers or large flowing bodies of water.
Answer 16 CURRENTS
Question 17 The ocean movement caused by the gravitational pull of the moon.
Answer 17 TIDES
Question 18 What is the warm current which flows from Florida, across the Atlantic, to England?
Answer 18 The Gulf Stream
Question 19 The depth of the ocean varies. Ocean trenches are very ______, and the continental shelf is relatively ______. Complete this statement with a pair of antonyms.
Answer 19 deep & shallow
Question 20 The ocean movement caused by wind on the surface is known as ______.
Answer 20 WAVES
Question 21 What two things impact the salinity of the ocean? rates of evaporation the types of marine life living there runoff from nearby land current of the ocean
Answer 21 What two things impact the salinity of the ocean? 1.rates of evaporation 2.runoff from nearby land
Question 22 Only specially adapted animals can survive at the bottom of the sea because a. the pressure there is very great b. the water is warm there c. fishermen use special nets there d. the sunlight is very bright there
Answer 22 Only specially adapted animals can survive at the bottom of the sea because a. the pressure there is very great b. the water is warm there c. fishermen use special nets there d. the sunlight is very bright there
Question 23 When you go to the beach & step into the water, you are standing on the the water, you are standing on the a. continental plain b. continental slope c. continental shelf d. continental drift
Answer 23 When you go to the beach & step into the water, you are standing on the the water, you are standing on the a. continental plain b. continental slope c. continental shelf d. continental drift
Question 24 As the depth of the ocean water increases, what increases with it? Light Pressure Temperature
Answer 24 Pressure
Question 25 If you travel from the top of the ocean to the ocean floor does the amount of light increase or decrease?
Answer 25 The amount of light decreases as you travel deeper into the ocean.
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