H ANDLING D ISRUPTIVE AND D ISHONEST S TUDENT B EHAVIOR The Code of Academic Integrity and the Student Code of Conduct.


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Presentation transcript:

H ANDLING D ISRUPTIVE AND D ISHONEST S TUDENT B EHAVIOR The Code of Academic Integrity and the Student Code of Conduct

P OLICIES G OVERNING S TUDENT B EHAVIOR The Code of Academic Integrity The Student Code of Conduct

S TUDENT C ODE OF C ONDUCT Prohibited conduct includes: Academic dishonesty Interfering with University activities Threatening behavior Endangering/causing physical harm to any member of the University community Harassment and unlawful discrimination

D ISRUPTIVE VS. T HREATENING S TUDENT B EHAVIOR “Disruptive behavior” means conduct that materially and substantially interferes with or obstructs the teaching or learning process in the context of a classroom or educational setting.

D ISRUPTIVE VS. T HREATENING S TUDENT B EHAVIOR “Threatening behavior” means any written or oral statement, communication, conduct or gesture directed toward any member of the University community, which causes a reasonable apprehension of physical harm to self, other, or property.

H ANDLING T HREATENING B EHAVIOR Leave the area immediately Call Report it to the Dean of Student Office, and when appropriate, file a Student Code of Conduct Complaint

H ANDLING D ISRUPTIVE B EHAVIOR Prevent it! Discuss it with student. Provide a formal warning. File Student Code of Conduct Complaint with the Dean of Students. Let DOS decide what to do (there’s a process that doesn’t involve you).

C ODE OF A CADEMIC I NTEGRITY Covers all forms of academic dishonesty, including: Cheating, facilitating academic dishonesty, plagiarism Submitting academic work that has previously been submitted; modifying academic work to obtain additional credit in the same class Failure to observe rules of academic integrity established by an instructor

H ANDLING S USPECTED A CADEMIC D ISHONESTY The Faculty-Student Conference Send to schedule meeting with student; detail reasons for concern Have face-to-face meeting Express concerns about student’s actions Allow the student to respond Listen – try not to pre-judge I’ll help, if you want me to

H ANDLING S USPECTED A CADEMIC D ISHONESTY Follow-up procedures when you determine a violation has occurred: Determine an appropriate penalty Fill out Record of Faculty-Student Conference, and send with cover letter. Copy to all those listed on the form Wait to see if student appeals Flow chart Flow chart of the whole process

S ANCTIONS FOR V IOLATIONS OF THE C ODE OF A CADEMIC I NTEGRITY For most cases, loss of credit for work involved is sufficient If you feel that a harsh, unique, or unusual penalty is appropriate in your situation, contact me or Rob Indik before you assign the penalty

S UGGESTIONS FOR P REVENTING A CADEMIC D ISHONESTY Include information in your course syllabus Set rules on group work and work outside of class Be clear about exam policies Proctor tests and exams diligently Use two versions of exams When in doubt, take preventative action

R ESOURCES Instructor Resource Manual My web page DOS web page Me, TA supervisor, course coordinator, Scott Clark, Rob Indik