Best Behavior “World Famous” Grissom Middle School
Are You Ready? Are You Prepared? The “Grissom Greenbacks” are coming!
What is Best Behavior? School wide program designed to improve school & classroom discipline. Federal program researched based
When does it start? Students need IDs and Agendas. Best Behavior is the expectation and culture at World Famous Grissom.
WANTED!!! Grissom “Good Citizens” Bring Agenda Come Prepared Wear Student ID Properly Be On Time
Who is involved to support our students? Everyone!!! Teachers Counselors Principals Parents Students Bus Drivers Lunch Moms Cafeteria workers Custodians Secretaries Classroom Aides It starts with our kids!
GOALS of BEST BEHAVIOR Academic Achievement Healthy Social Development Safe Environment
At school (and at home): Punishment alone is NOT a solution Positive school rules and home rules (We’re a team) Consistent enforcement Verbal praise Clear expectations Rewards lead to self motivation
What Works in School and Classroom Discipline? Social skills programs (RIPP) Teaching techniques to improve self- control & impulse control Teaching responsible decision-making (limit setting) Teaching problem solving skills
Target All Forms of Behavior