Improving Classroom Behavior with Classdojo. SAM COLSON ITEC 7445 DR. BACON
What is Classdojo? Classdojo is a free web program that allows teachers to track and monitor student behavior. o It is a classroom tool that helps teachers capture and generate data on a student’s behavior that can be shared. o Students can earn or lose points based on individualized behavior categories. o It provides students with instant feedback on their behavior. o It analyzes behavior and creates charts and reports with minimal effort.
So how does it work? The teacher will input his or her class roster. The program will then create a chart of students that is displayed on the computer or Smartboard. The teacher can create both positive behaviors that she wishes to reward, as well as negative behaviors that she wishes to punish. The students simply click on their name first, then they click on the desired behavior. They earn or lose points based on their behavior. There are IOS and Android apps available for teachers that wish to use Classdojo on the go (hallway, recess, lunch, etc.).
What are the benefits to using this as a school? Why can’t each teacher simply use this behavior program if he or she wishes? o The program can be used as a classroom only behavior system. However, it also can be linked in such a way so that the entire school’s population is connected. o For example, if a student in one class does something that deserves praise in the hallway, another teacher can give that student a point from her own computer. The entire student population is all linked!
How to start using Classdojo. Each teacher in the school will create his or her own class roster on Classdojo. The classes will be linked and then teachers will be given training on how to customize their behavior charts. The program automatically sends s to parents allowing them to check their students’ progress daily at home. The students can also change their avatars at home and it will show up at school.
How will this help meet content standards? By simplifying the school’s behavior policy, Classdojo will allow the teachers to focus more on teaching and spend less time on behavior modification. Since Classdojo is so easy and simple to use, the time allotted for discipline can now be used for lessons and learning.
How can this promote authentic learning? Since the students can clearly see what the behavior points are (both positive and negative), they have a much clearer idea of their expectations. This puts the students in charge of their own learning instead of putting it onto the teacher. The students are responsible for monitoring their own behavior.
So what does it cost? This is the best part. It’s free!! Classdojo is completely free to use and implement. There are no hidden fees or subscriptions.
Can I differentiate with it? Absolutely! With Classdojo, you can meet the needs of many diverse students all at once. Teachers can create different behavior topics and patterns depending on the needs of their students. Since every student is different, every classroom can create their own behavior points. Some teachers might have it already put together for the students. Other teachers might want to have the class come up with the rules together. It is infinitely customizable. Every classroom and student is different, but can still be linked together throughout the school.
Required Equipment Since Classdojo is a web based program, the only absolute necessity is a computer and Internet access. It is very easy to display Classdojo on your Smartboard if you have one. This way, the students can click on their own names and give themselves the point instead of the teacher. This allows them to be more involved in the process. As mentioned earlier, there is an Android app as well as IOS app for teachers that have smartphones or tablets. The library also has a small supply of tablets that can be checked out for teachers that do not have a smartphone.
Technical support Classdojo has a great online help page. They have lots of FAQ’s as well as online chat for any additional questions you might have. Teachers who are just learning Classdojo can request help from the teachers who have been using it for some time. The learning curve on Classdojo is very slight. It is designed for ease of use; even for those teachers who feel technologically challenged.
Limitations Classdojo is not intended to be the only method of discipline in the school. We realize that sometimes, there are students who will require something more than the loss of a point, especially in the cases of Zero Tolerance issues. Administration is still available for severe behavior problems. Classdojo does not supplant the already existing rules and policies in the school. It is meant to supplement them.
Effectiveness Classdojo has been used by many different teachers. Their website has review from teachers all over the world that have used Classdojo and seen great benefits. It has also been reviewed by many top publications such as The Wall Street Journal, NBC News, Wired, The Huffington Post and USA Today. All have written glowing reviews on how well constructed the program is as well as how easy it is to use.
Communication Classdojo makes communication with parents and guardians simple. If you have the parents’ s, you simply enter them into Classdojo and the program will automatically the parents with their child’s daily behavior. If you do not have an for a particular parent, the program will generate a printable PDF report on the child’s behavior. You can customize it for daily, weekly, or monthly displays. The students can also check their points and behaviors from home using a printable code.
Privacy Issues Classdojo is designed to be private and can only be viewed by people with a login account from the school or with a code. Codes can be printed out for students as well as parents. If there is no code, the website will not allow unauthorized access to the points. Student and parent codes only allow the viewer to see the points. They cannot alter them in any way. Only a teacher with an authorized login account can do that.
Professional Learning Classdojo is extremely simple to use. Each grade level will have one teacher that is trained in how to use it. This teacher will then train the rest of his or her team. Since so many teachers are already using Classdojo, there are many additional people that can also help and assist as needed.
Reflection I have been using Classdojo for almost a year. It has really helped my students. They enjoy seeing their points on a daily basis, and their parents like the simplicity of it. My students enjoy seeing me holding my smartphone in the hallways and will remind me if I ever forget to give them a point for something. I think this is a great program. The fact that it is free is a definite plus. It is extremely simple and easy to use, even for teachers that really aren’t that comfortable with technology. I would recommend Classdojo to anyone without any hesitation at all. It’s just that good.