Classroom Rules orExpectations
# 1 Be seated and ready to work BEFORE the tardy bell rings.
# 2 Bring all needed materials daily.
#3 Show courtesy AND respect.
# 4 Clean up YOUR work area (desk/table, floor)
# 5 Raise your hand to speak or to leave your seat AND wait to be called on.
# 6 The teacher dismisses the class, NOT the bell.
#7 These rules apply when a guest teacher (substitute) is present.
Consequences 1. An offense is given when a rule is broken.
2. Three offenses is a phone call home/work.
3. More than five is detention.
4. Any disruptive and /or disrespectful behavior is a parent sit-in or teacher’s discretion.
Parent sit-in policy When a substitute is present: any student’s name written down for any type of misbehavior is an automatic parent sit-in. It is the student’s responsibility to inform parent of this!