Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Context Architectures Using Web Services Candidate: Alvaro E. Escobar Advisors: Dr. Maria Petrie Dr. Eduardo Fernandez Department of Computer Science and Engineering Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton FL. 01/26/2006
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Agenda Review the following papers: [Cha04] T. Chaari, F.Laforest, A. Celentano. “Design of Context- Aware Applications Based on Web Services”. LIRIS. Dipartimento di Informatica. INSA Lyon, France [Soa02] S. Soares, P. Borba. “PaDA: A Pattern for Distribution Aspects” Proceedings of: Second Latin American Conference on Pattern, 2002 [Rae05] M. Raento, A. Oulasvirta, R. Petit, H. Toivonen. “ContextPhone: A Prototyping Platform for Context-Aware Mobile Applications”. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2005 [Str05] M. Strimpakou, I. Roussaki, C. Pils, M. Angermann, P. Robertson. “Context Modelling and Management in Ambient-Aware Pervasive Environments ”, Location- and Context-Awareness Proceedings : First International Workshop, LoCA 2005, May 12-13, 2005.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Design of Context-Aware Applications Based on Web Services [Cha04] Development of context-aware apps. –Architecture supporting context-awareness at run-time. –design the application to be context-aware. Web services is widespread and “loosely coupling” approach to integration of application
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Design of Context-Aware Applications Based on Web Services Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) [Cha04] –Context Capturing –Context Interpreting –Context Modeling –Context Dissemination –Context Adaptation Data flow (content) Visualization (UI) Application behavior (service)
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Agenda Review the following papers: [Cha04] T. Chaari, F.Laforest, A. Celentano. “Design of Context- Aware Applications Based on Web Services”. LIRIS. Dipartimento di Informatica. INSA Lyon, France [Soa02] S. Soares, P. Borba. “PaDA: A Pattern for Distribution Aspects” Proceedings of: Second Latin American Conference on Pattern, 2002 [Rae05] M. Raento, A. Oulasvirta, R. Petit, H. Toivonen. “ContextPhone: A Prototyping Platform for Context-Aware Mobile Applications”. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2005 [Str05] M. Strimpakou, I. Roussaki, C. Pils, M. Angermann, P. Robertson. “Context Modelling and Management in Ambient-Aware Pervasive Environments ”, Location- and Context-Awareness Proceedings : First International Workshop, LoCA 2005, May 12-13, 2005.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU ContextPhone: A Prototyping Platform for Context-Aware Mobile Applications [Rae05] Software platform running on Symbian OS (Nokia Series 60 Smartphone). Design goals: –visualizes Context as a resource. –incorporate existing applications. –fast interaction and unobtrusiveness. –ensure robustness. –enable rapid development
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Modules [Rae05] –Sensors –Communications –Customizable applications –System services ContextPhone: A Prototyping Platform for Context-Aware Mobile Applications [Rae05]
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Agenda Review the following papers: [Cha04] T. Chaari, F.Laforest, A. Celentano. “Design of Context- Aware Applications Based on Web Services”. LIRIS. Dipartimento di Informatica. INSA Lyon, France [Soa02] S. Soares, P. Borba. “PaDA: A Pattern for Distribution Aspects” Proceedings of: Second Latin American Conference on Pattern, 2002 [Rae05] M. Raento, A. Oulasvirta, R. Petit, H. Toivonen. “ContextPhone: A Prototyping Platform for Context-Aware Mobile Applications”. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2005 [Str05] M. Strimpakou, I. Roussaki, C. Pils, M. Angermann, P. Robertson. “Context Modelling and Management in Ambient-Aware Pervasive Environments ”, Location- and Context-Awareness Proceedings : First International Workshop, LoCA 2005, May 12-13, 2005.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Context Modelling and Management in Ambient-Aware Pervasive Environments [Str05] Presents a Context Model integrated into a pervasive service platform (DAIDALOS–European IST project) DAIDALOS ( –Designing –Advanced network –Interfaces for the –Delivery and –Administration of –Location independent –Optimized personal –Services
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Context Modelling and Management in Ambient-Aware Pervasive Environments [Str05] DAIDALOS University Scenario: –Organization of daily life at university (friends, appointments and reservations, classes, projects, exams, entertainment) –Locating people and devices on campus, checking availability, discovering local services. –Personal broadcasting (of classes and speeches)
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Context Modelling and Management in Ambient-Aware Pervasive Environments [Str05] DAIDALOS Context Model: Entity Attribute AttribType EntityType DirAssoc UndirAssoc AbstractAssoc 1..*0..* *0..* child parent
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Context Modelling and Management in Ambient-Aware Pervasive Environments [Str05] Context Management Subsystem Architecture [Str05]
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Conclusions Context is a fundamental concept in mobile systems. Different researchers use different variations of context. Web services is the widespread approach to application integration. Integrate Web Services into our Context Model for easier application integration. Create a Context Architecture incorporating WS.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Future Work Context-Aware Web Services Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal - Submission deadline: March 15, AMCIS Minitrack on Mobile Services - Submission deadline: March 1, Dissertation document completed by end of Summer ’06.