Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Art, Archives and Publics
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies On Documentation? Where does the urge to document and archive come from? (Lack) of sense of place and history Need for validation of cultural / social practice Trans/Formation of Identities Archives as ‘mirrors of ourselves’
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Art Practice Recording Circulation DocumentationValidating ArchiveMemory Public(s)Influence History/iesIdentity/ies Civil Society
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Interface: Research Centre Established in 2004 through major successful funding bid (SPUR II) Major initiative in A&D in the UK with 21 members of research staff and dedicated research facilities Based on distinct areas of excellence in research activities of School of Art and Design - Textiles & Fine Art UU, Belfast campus refurbishment, 2006
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Research Aims Focused Exploration of key processes in innovative research practice in Art and Design: [1] inherited models of practice and categories of value [2] impact of digital media and new technologies of production, distribution and mediation of art and design Situated in context of wider social/economic/political arena of Northern Ireland and globally = the ‘glocal’ Street - Archive
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Research Objectives Trans- and Interdisciplinary research and postgraduate provision New partnerships and forms of collaborations and practice in Art and Design Development of new ways of thinking and working at local, national and transnational level Prototyping, testing and evaluating of new models of practice Cross-border dimensions in the Irish context Outcomes with international reach Building of critical mass in Art and Design research Alistair MacLennan Dr. Kate Wells
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Research Strands - Art and its Locations - Fabric Forward - Customisation and Construction - Hybrid Textile Configurations Platforma Trish Belford
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Art and its Locations: Research Foci -Art in Contested Spaces -Art and Documentation Willie Doherty Workshop, 2006
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Interface Resources Dedicated researchers / archivist Research and thinking space PhD research opportunities Provision of MA Art in Public Opportunities to network and collaborate Image and sound production, post-production and display equipment Storage space Technical and clerical support staff
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Interface Activities ConnectingPrototyping FacilitatingTesting DiscussingDocumenting NegotiatingArchiving SpeculatingDisseminating ExperimentingEvaluating
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Documentation and Archiving Critical dialogue: performance, interventionist, process-oriented practices Narratives related to contestations and conflicts Creative processes, (audio-) visual work and curatorial interventions Inquiry into local archives and community-based memory (ARE, Catalyst, Beat Initiative, Duchas) Strategies for documenting and re/materialising - Generating Public Pedagogies Securing Memory - Producing Publics
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies I confess that I was there: Art, Archives and Location A programmed series of events in December 2006 Inquiry into archives related to creative practice: Artpool, Budapest; Trace Archive, Cardiff; North-West Visual Arts Archive, Derry; Peter Haining, Dundee Focus on Artists’ interventions in repositories of records and the re/materialisation of archives
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Public Art Strategy for West Belfast (PAS) DSD commissioned consultancy West Belfast and the Greater Shankill area Aims: Public Art Trail Connection to City Centre and Laganside Links to existing public art projects Visibility of West Belfast and Greater Shankill area to promote tourism and economic regeneration
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Deliverables of PAS Community participation methodology Stakeholder audit Map and audit of existing public art Map and audit of other relevant projects Strategic map of potential sites for public art Survey of potential funders Review of key documents and policies Seminar on Public Art Report
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies PAS Process Forms of documentation Strategies of re/presentation and positioning Power relations and vested interests Pragmatics/ Public(s) Trust building with communities Media format - authority and authenticity Oral accounts - episodic memory / memory of fear Maps - factual memory Reports / minutes - procedural memory
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Creative Transformations AHRC funded workshop and networking project PI: Prof. Ruth Morrow Community oriented creative processes Conversations on determination, risk, failure, and unquantifiable success Documentation/ Validation of marginalised practices
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Performing the Archive Providing Interrogative Moments AHRC funded Doctoral Research Training Provision Collaboration with University of Sunderland in association with Locus+, Public Art Agency Newcastle upon Tyne Series of workshops and colloquia between November 2006 – October 2007 Related book and online learning resource: Arkive City;
Funded by The Department of Education and Learning NI and The Atlantic Philanthropies Art out of the Ordinary Collaborative project with CityArts Dublin Folk Memory and material culture Related to Loraine Leeson’s exhibition Art of Change Two seminars, public interventions, Planned publication