TE/MPE/EE J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) & interface Module (DQLIM) progress status.


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Presentation transcript:

TE/MPE/EE J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) & interface Module (DQLIM) progress status

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) & interface Module (DQLIM) progress status J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine Definitions / Clarification: DQLPUR = Local Protection unit Redundant power supply = DQLIM = Local protection Interface module = 2x

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine -DQLPUR (new 6 voltages DC power supply) -Why a DQLPUR ? -MPE/EP power requests -Design -Prototyping -Heat dissipation test -Voltage decay, after a mains power cut -What’s Next ?

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) Why a DQLPUR ? J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine -A new DQLPU crate (with new functionalities like heater strips diagnostic) will be installed during LS1 by the MPE/EP team bellow each dipole magnets (at the place of the old DQLPU crate). -Theses crates will need: -Mains power redundancy (UPS1/UPS2) -More power (with more electronics embedded) -Linear power supplies design (for an increased reliability) As a result, the needed power supplies will be bigger in size and will have a bigger heat dissipation! It was decided to bring those DC power supplies out of the DQLPU. And MPE/EE section was asked to developed a new power supply (DQLPUR)

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) MPE/EP power requests J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine Equipment +5.6 V isolated +15 V isolated -15 V isolated +5.6 V common +15 V common -15 V common DQQDL_A DQQDL_B DQAMC DQHSU DQCSU SPARE_ Total Requested Current500 mA250 mA 2000 mA500 mA Power2.8 W3.75W 11.2W7.5W MPE/EP section asked for: - Six DC voltages ( & the following currents) Total power requested = 36.5 W -Voltage decay: All the 6 voltages should remain at least for 100ms after a power cut. -The insulation between the 3 isolated Voltages and the earth should be > 1.9 kV. -Full Redundancy on all these voltages (in total they need 12 DC Voltages)

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) Design (implementation) J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine Items fixed on the Heat sink : -6 regulators -100VA transformer -1 rectifier Bridge Isolated (magnet potential) Common (earth potential)

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) Design (schematics) J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine Left PCB (common/earth potential): -3 voltages (+5,+15,-15 VDC) -1 power-cycle circuit (P.S. + Relay) Right PCB(isolate/ magnet potential): -3 isolated DC (+5,+15,-15 VDC) Left board schematic

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) Prototyping J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine A First DQLPUR prototype (without the remote power cycle function) was build by Mathieu.

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) Heat dissipation test J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine With this First DQLPUR prototype, Stephen performed 3 series of heat dissipation tests: The six nominal currents where pulled from one power supply (simulating the failure of one UPS) and the temperatures were measured in 7 different points inside the power supply, during 24 hours. D5 rectifier Bridge Ambient T Courtesy of S. Pemberton

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) Voltage decay, after a mains power cut J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine At t = 0At t = 100 msAt t = 1 s 5.53 V 5.5V V V At t = 0At t = 100 msAt t = 250 ms 5.52 V V

TE/MPE/EE Local protection Redundant Power supply (DQLPUR) What’s Next ? J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine -The documentation is 95 % ready for the production of 2’700 DQLPUR in the Industry. -We are know contacting manufacturers to get an idea of the prices and delivery times of the “most critical” items in the DQLPUR (mechanical box, Heat sink, main transformer) -The market Survey process is in progress… -Mathieu is now assembling the last prototype of the DQLPUR. We planed to make some tests on this unit (Heat run, power cycle function).

TE/MPE/EE Interface Module (DQLIM) progress status J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine -DQLIM (Local protection Interface module, nicknamed “new Crawford box”) -Why a DQLIM ? -Design(Implementation) -Design(schematics) -Prototyping -Some pictures -What’s Next ?

TE/MPE/EE Interface Module (DQLIM) progress status Why a DQLIM ? J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine -MPE/EP Electronic boards doesn’t want to leave with two big and hot room-mates (DQLPUR twins )! So some housing needed! -For the dipole heater strips diagnostic (new functionality) the measure of the discharge current of the 4 DQHDS protecting a magnet is required. So 4 current transformers will be inserted in the DQLIM The DQLIM will also contain all the wiring installed in the old “Crawford Box”.

TE/MPE/EE Interface Module (DQLIM) progress status Design (Implementation) J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine Overview the DQLIM crate: -4 current transformers -2 PCB -Few connectors -12 LEDs,… QRL side Way side

TE/MPE/EE Interface Module (DQLIM) progress status Design ( HDS control board schematic ) J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine -The PCBs and the mechanical parts are actually being drawn by J.M. Wickham (MPE/EM)

TE/MPE/EE Interface Module (DQLIM) progress status Design ( Motherboard schematic) J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine Courtesy of J.M Wickham

TE/MPE/EE Interface Module (DQLIM) progress status Prototyping J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine -Mathieu made a first prototype of the mechanicals parts and modified the wiring to DQHDS : But we know already that few modification are necessary !

TE/MPE/EE Interface Module (DQLIM) progress status What’s Next ? J. Mourao T/MPE/EE 1 November 2012 LHC Machine DQLIM units will be assembled at Cern. -To achieve this we need: -In the following week: to chose definitively the 2 Harting connectors types to be used to connect the DQLIM to the new DQLPU.  Launch as soon as possible the order for these connector. -Before the end of the year: -Complete the design and all the drawings (Main difficulties = available space, 1.9kV isolation) -Build the first full prototype! -Launch the order for the DQLIM mechanical part and for most of the connectors (Tyco, Burndy,…)! -In January 2013, fully test the DQLIM (with the 2 DQLPURs inside) with a new_DQLPU prototype connected. -… still a lot to do!