1 ILDG Status in Japan Lattice QCD Archive(LQA) a gateway to ILDG Japan Grid HEPNet-J/sc an infrastructure for Japan Lattice QCD Grid A. Ukawa Center for Computational Sciences University of Tsukuba
2 LQA Overview stores gauge configurations and makes them available to lattice community world-wide Open since February 2004/maintained by CCS will be a Japan site of ILDG configurations CP-PACS Nf=2 configurations already available CP-PACS/JLQCD Nf=2+1 configurations in near future Access policy no authentication requires registration to download acknowledge downloading from LQA (cite relevant papers) when configurations are used for publications
3 CP-PACS/JLQCD Nf=2+1 configurations RG-improved glue + Clover quark with NP Csw three lattice spacings a=0.122,0.100,0.07 fm / 10 (Kud,Ks) combinations 6000 – 8000 trajectory/beta,(Kud,Ks) Will be released 6 months after publication of spectrum/quark mass paper Lattice conference presentation of heavy quarks and eta ’ (effectively Lat ’ 06) In future, lighter ud quark configurations will be added using PACS-CS
4 LQA details Architecture a prototype implementation of ILDG standard XML files still in the old QCDML draft v4.0/conversion to the official version QCDml1.1 is finished/will be implemented soon file format also based on a previous proposal/conversion to the official v1.0 soon enables interactive search/implementation of middleware Web service standards (when they are ready/approved) user MDC metadata server- side client web browser html WS query Tomcat servlet Xindice
5 LQA search page
6 LQA statistics Statistics : example of June 2005 Number of registered users 57 Access to the top page 180 (per month) Access to the search page 23 (per month) #configs downloaded 2400 (per month)
7 HEPNet-J/sc Overview Japanese domestic LQCD network uses SuperSINET peer- to-peer 1Gbps private network connections major LQCD sites in Japan are connected (see figure) enables to construct a dedicated network for LQCD in Japan
8 HEPNet-J/sc Status (1) Major machines and upgrade plan SR8000/F1 1.2TFlops 24+ Tflops KEK Tsukuba CP-PACS 0.6TFlops PACS-CS 14.3 Tflops Osaka SX-5/128M8 1.3TFlops 24+ Tflops Hiroshima SR TFlops Kyoto SX-5 → 1+TFlops Kanazawa PC-Clusters Tsukuba VPP TFlops (upgrade in a few years) JAMSTEC Earth Simulator 2.7% of 40TFlops (This year) the Nf=2+1 project uses a part of these machines March ‘06 June ‘06 March ‘06 (not QCD dedicate)
9 HEPNet-J/sc Status (2) shares configurations and other lattice data via file mirroring total 60TB distributed over 6 sites used by several lattice groups in Japan CP-PACS, JLQCD, QCD-Taro, Kanazawa etc. production and measurement for the Nf=2+1 QCD project utilizes the file sharing very effectively
10 HEPNet-J/sc Future Plan an issue size of one partition is limited to 1-2 TB, but size of data sets (for one project) easily exceeds the limit. Then, data are distributed over many disks uniform file system based on Grid Technology is required, such as SRB (Storage Resource Broker) Gfarm (Grid Data Farm) will work as a backbone of LQA or ILDG-Japan Grid
11 ILDG related activity International Lattice Field Theory Network (ILFT Network) USA/UK/Germany/Italy/Japan Bi-annual workshops 3-6 October 2005 at JLAB, USA 8-11 March 2006 in Hayama, Japan Exchange of people This year ’ s Special event : “ Perspectives in Lattice QCD ” A lecture school in Nara, Japan, organized by Y. Kuramashi October 31-November