1 SA Capstone Requirements and Design Course Introduction SYST36367 Winter 2015
sheridancollege.ca Introduce course Introduce tools, texts, and resources used in this course Trello Introduce ourselves Lesson Objectives 2
Disciplined Agile Delivery 4 Semester 5Semester 6
sheridancollege.ca 1. Compose a detailed Capstone Project Proposal 2. Investigate and document the project’s requirements 3. Formulate and document the project’s design 4. Build a UI prototype for the client to review 5. Compose a Software Development Plan and Project Plan for semester 6 Capstone Course 6. Address the course’s Learning Outcomes listed in the Course Outline 7. Have fun! Course Objectives 5
sheridancollege.ca 1. It will leverage and reinforce many of the core concepts in the SA curriculum in a practical way 2. It provides a great opportunity to work on a “real” software development project as part of a team 3. It lays the foundation for the semester 6 Capstone course Course Importance important 6
7 Class Conduct 1. Please remember that: –We are all governed by Sheridan’s Code of Conduct Policy –Your instructors are responsible for enforcing this policy 2. The basic rule of conduct is: “Respect EVERYONE in the classroom!”. This implies many things including: be nice to others and do NOT disrupt or distract the class!
8 What you need for this course Course Materials: Texts: –Object-Oriented Analysis & Design with the Unified Process, by Satzinger, Jackson, Burd; ISBN: –Systems Analysis and Design, Ninth edition, Shelly & Rosenblatt, ISBN: Your choice of tools for: UML Diagrams, GUI mockups and prototyping Access to SLATE
9 SA Capstone Wiki The SA Capstone Wiki is available here: It provides a single location for both SA Capstone courses with lots of useful information including: –Course Information (Class Plan, Rubrics, etc.) –Contact and Support Information –Capstone Student Guide –Helpful Tools and References Let’s do a quick walkthrough now!
10 Course Evaluation Project Proposal (10%) Project Requirements (20%) Design Document (30%) UI Prototype (30%) Final Presentation (10%) Notes: –There are no tests, quizzes or exams in this course!
11 Deliverables It is your responsibility to: –check to ensure that you have completed and submitted all required deliverables on time using the Dropbox set up for your group on SLATE. Deliverables are due on the dates shown in SLATE. Late submissions will result in a penalty of 10% per day late and may not be accepted after three days late.
12 Introduction of Trello
13 About Us We are all in this together! We are a team seeking to learn and to develop great products for our customers! Introduce ourselves Present any Accommodations to us during the break or after class! Questions Break!