Introducing… the Sustainable Energy 4 All Action Accelerator! Adam Cooper Senior Manager, Accenture Sustainability Services United Nations Global Compact
SG’s Sustainable Energy for All Initiative – Key Deliverables Action Agenda document containing: Areas of focus Menu of “high-impact” opportunities Roles and responsibilities Roadmap with milestones Generic frameworks for accountability Web-based, marketplace portal: Visions, road maps, milestones, indicators Action Agenda recommendations Case studies Commitments Accountability mechanisms Progress “snap shots” Identifying & mobilizing commitments to the Action Agenda: Guidance and structure Criteria Recognition Legitimacy Accountability measures SG’s goal and objectives: Universal access to modern energy services. Doubling the rate of improvement in energy efficiency. Doubling the share of renewable energy. Secretary- General’s Vision Action Agenda November 2011 January 2012 Jan 2012 onward Announcement at Rio+20 1 st /2 nd Q 2012 Action “Accelerator” (Web-based platform) Commitments and Accountability
Began by defining the private sector’s role in supporting SE4All Focus: Structure how the private sector can best engage to make the most significant contribution Team: Worked with 18 GC LEAD companies to define what was needed Activities: Created a framework for engagement, conducted research, and held interviews with companies from different industries Access to Energy Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy CORE BUSINESS: PRODUCTS & SERVICES CORE BUSINESS: OPERATIONS SOCIAL INVESTMENT & PHILANTHROPY ADVOCACY & PUBLIC POLICY ENGAGEMENT 3 Work continues on developing industry specific recommendations and best practices
Key objectives – mobilize business action Provide inspiration 4 Share knowledge and best practices Facilitate partnership development Create incentives for action and engagement Develop guidance and recommendations
Determined that a traditional solution was not the right answer Required Characteristics 1) Must be Living! Solution needs the capability to change as SE4All issues and stakeholder needs change over time 2) Must be Inclusive! Solution needs to accommodate multiple audiences, different stakeholders, and diverse access points 4) Must drive Value! Solution needs to be attractive to stakeholders to drive adoption, support, and opportunities 3) Must stay Relevant! Solution needs to be sustainable and durable to last for the life of the 18 yr SE4All initiative 5
Identified key stakeholder considerations There are hundreds more! SE4All requires a solution that: Will include all stakeholder groups critical to its success: public sector private sector civil sector Bring together and leverage existing relevant engagement platforms in a unified manner Provide an outlet for existing engagement platforms to communicate and collaborate Drive increased engagement across a variety of existing platforms & initiatives 6
Developed the idea for the SE4All Action Accelerator SE4All should be underpinned by a web-based, community marketplace portal driven by social media technology that will: provide guidance, structure, and a platform for interaction enable and encourage user contributions facilitate the growth of SE4All as a living, breathing initiative with stakeholder driven importance and momentum Concept 7
Defined components needed to drive value & meet our objectives Private SectorPublic Sector Sustainable Energy for All Accelerator Access to Energy Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Civil Society Recommendations / Best Practices Case Studies Commitments & Accountability Framework Partnerships News & Events Status / Progress Reports Information & Updates 8
What could the SE4All Action Accelerator look like? 9
10 What could the SE4All Action Accelerator look like?
Next steps to put the SE4All Action Accelerator in-place Refine and finalize concept 1 1 Define Development Workplan 2 2 Design Accelerator Infrastructure 3 3 Build Accelerator Infrastructure 4 4 Populate & Test initial Platform 5 Rio+20 Rio+20 6 Communications, Outreach, & Awareness 11 Encourage and Collect Commitments Develop Recommendations & Best Practices November 2011 to June 2012
Key questions for consideration 1.Should we make the Action Accelerator a key, SE4All initiative- wide deliverable for Rio+20? 2.If yes to (1), how do we best include the public sector and civil- sector components? 3.How do we address the on-going maintenance and administration requirements of the SE4All Action Accelerator, beyond Rio+20? 12