URL Obscuring COEN 252 Computer Forensics Thomas Schwarz, S.J. 2004
URL Obscuring Internet based fraud is gaining quickly in importance. Phishing: The practice of enticing victims with spoofed to visit a fraudulent webpage.
URL Obscuring: Phishing Example Visible Link: Actual Link: Actual website IP: Uses Java program to overwrite the visible address bar in the window:
URL Obscuring: Phishing Example
URL Obscuring Phishs need to hide web-servers URL Obscuring Hide host of web service Use networking protocol
URL Basics Phishs can use obscure features of URL. URL consists of three parts: Service Address of server Location of resource.
URL Basics Scheme, colon double forward slash. An optional user name and password. The internet domain name RCF1037 format IP address as a set of four decimal digits. Port number in decimal notation. (Optional) Path + communication data.
Obscuring URL Addresses Embed URL in other documents Use features in those documents to not show complete URL URL rules interpret this as a userid. Hide this portion of the URL.
Obscuring URL Addresses Use the password field. has IP address Some browsers accept the decimal value 129*256** *256**2 + 2* = for the IP address. Works as a link. Does not work directly in later versions of IE
Obscuring URL Addresses works. Hide the ASCI encoding Or just break up the name: Or use active page technologies (javascript, …) to create fake links.
'Enroll your card with Verified By Visa program' Recent Phish sends SPAM consisting of a single image:
'Enroll your card with Verified By Visa program' The whole text is a single image, linked to the correct citi URL. If the mouse hovers over the image, it displays the correct citi URL. But surrounded by an HTML box that leads to the phishing website.
'Enroll your card with Verified By Visa program' Target webpage has an address bar that is overwritten with a picture with a different URL. Go to
Hiding Hosts Name Look-Up: OS checks HOST file first. Can use HOST file to block out certain sites adservers Affects a single machine. OSLocation Linux/etc/hosts Win95/98/MEC:\windows\hosts Win NT/2000/XP ProC:\winnt\systems32\etc\hosts Win XP HomeC:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Subverting IP Look-Up In general, not used for phishing. Economic Damage Hillary for Senate campaign attack. Hiding illegal websites. (Kiddie Porn) DNS Server Sabotage IP Forwarding
Subverting IP Look-Up Port Forwarding URLs allow port numbers. Legitimate business at default port number. Illegitimate at an obscure port number. Screen clicks Embed small picture. Single pixel. Forward from picture to the illegitimate site. Easily detected in HTML source code. Password screens Depending on access control, access to different sites.