Student Seminar Subatomic Physics Herbert Löhner, Olaf Scholten, Johan Messchendorp 1st block, semester 1, 2008/2009 Wednesday 15:15-17:00 This course.


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Presentation transcript:

Student Seminar Subatomic Physics Herbert Löhner, Olaf Scholten, Johan Messchendorp 1st block, semester 1, 2008/2009 Wednesday 15:15-17:00 This course is given in the style of a seminar with an introduction by the lecturers and presentations given by the participants. A topic of high current interest in subatomic physics will be studied by discussing review articles from recent literature. Participants will be supervised by the instructors in individually arranged coaching sessions in preparing their specific contribution for the presentation. Current topic: Physics of Charm Literature: S. Bianco, F.L. Fabbri, D. Benson, I. Bigi, A Cicerone for the Physics of Charm.( hep-ex/ )hep-ex/ Website: t.b.a with current info

S. Bianco, F.L. Fabbri, D. Benson, I. Bigi, A Cicerone for the Physics of Charm, (hep-ex/ )hep-ex/ history of charm physics student contributions on different theoretical approaches, experimental issues and results KVI interests: Fundamental interactions & symmetries, Hadron physics in relation to GSI program

Student Seminar, Grading Criteria Preparation: Making use of proposed literature Incorporating additional literature Understanding of the subject matter Depth of the presentation Structure of the presentation Presentation: Formulation of stimulating questions Answering questions from audience Presentation technique Quality of slides Time management Participation: Presence during seminar hours Active participation during seminar hours Contributing questions before the seminar sessions Answering questions at the end of seminar sessions Final written exam, based on presented material; vrijstelling mogelijk bij voldoende resultaat wekelijkse deelname

Seminar Preparation Timeline week N-3discuss outline material N-2present overview presentation N-11 st trial presentation NMonday2 nd trial presentation N Wednesday Presentation

Schedule dateTopicCoordinatorSpeaker(s) 3 septIntroduction- overview and assignment of subjects O.S. 10 sept. Panda meeting in Ferrara - 17 sept.Theory; The Quark & Bag Models (4.1) O.S./J.M. 24 sept.Theory; Effective Field Theory (4.3) O.S. 1 oct.Theory;- Lattice QCD (4.9) O.S. 8 oct.Production Dynamics (5)- H.L.. 15 oct.Spectroscopy (6) – The spectrum of charmed mesons H.L. 22 oct.Decays (7,8,9) - What can be learned from decays J.M. 29 oct.Oscillations (10) – Mixing between D and anti-D J.M. 5 nov.CP violation (11) H.L.

Physics of Charm aim: set context for this lecture series subject: role of charm in standard model

Mass 3 families –quarks –leptonen

History of Charm First Evidence: Charge current operator and splitting of K L and K S Data suggested m c = 2 GeV (In these days the quark model was not yet accepted!!) 1971: First evidence for charmed mesons in cosmic-ray emulsion experiment. 1974, october: Discovery of Charmonium, J/Ψ (J pc =1 -- ) by Ting (BNL) and Richter (SLAC), a state at 3.1 GeV with a very narrow width. 1974, D-mesons as narrow states in K+π Since: spectrum of Charmonium and charmed mesons

Charmonium Spectrum 3 GeV 3.8 GeV J/   (2S) or  ’ 3S13S1 3S13S1 3P23P2 3P13P1 3P03P0 22 11 00 Charmonium is a bound state of a charmed quark and antiquark. It is “almost nonrelativistic”:  ~ 0.4: Hence the hydrogen atom-like spectrum Mass threshold

Review: Quantum Numbers Total Angular Momentum Orbital Angular Momentum Spin Angular Momentum Means: Quark Spin=1 (3 = 2 x 1 + 1) Quark Orbital Ang. Mom. = 0 Total J/  Spin = 1 Means: Total J/  Spin = 1 Parity is Odd Charge Conjugation is Odd

Quarkonium Potential A not-too-terrible model of the quark-antiquark force law: A Coulomb-like part A spring-like part This piece comes from the non- Abelian nature of QCD: the fact that you have 3-gluon and 4-gluon couplings. In QED, there is no  coupling, so this term is absent This is just like QED: (sometimes called the “chromoelectric” force)

Charmonium Spectrum Revisited From: Brian Fulsom, 2007 Ted Barnes, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A21 (2006) 5583 hep- ph/ v1 hep- ph/ v1

Basic Interests 1/m c may serve as perturbation parameter Charmed states are distinct in Energy CP-violation laboratory –(shows primarily in decays) What is structure states???

Schedule dateTopicCoordinatorSpeaker(s) 3 septIntroduction- overview and assignment of subjects O.S. 10 sept. Panda meeting in Ferrara - 17 sept.Theory; The Quark & Bag Models (4.1) O.S./J.M. 24 sept.Theory; Effective Field Theory (4.3) O.S. 1 oct.Theory;- Lattice QCD (4.9) O.S. 8 oct.Production Dynamics (5)- H.L.. 15 oct.Spectroscopy (6) – The spectrum of charmed mesons H.L. 22 oct.Decays (7,8,9) - What can be learned from decays J.M. 29 oct.Oscillations (10) – Mixing between D and anti-D J.M. 5 nov.CP violation (11) H.L.