Official Opening of Institute for Mathematical Sciences National University of Singapore 17 July 2001 IMS
Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS) University-level research institute Established on 1 July 2000 Funding mainly from MOE and NUS Modelled after successful research institutes in the West No permanent staff except for Director, Deputy Director and support personnel
Objectives To be an international center of excellence in mathematical research To promote multi-disciplinary research in Singapore and the region To provide a stimulating environment for mathematical scientists of diverse backgrounds to interact and collaborate in research To build research capabilities, create knowledge and train graduate students To stimulate interest in the study of the mathematical sciences in educational institutions
Program Structure Two scientific programs a year Each program lasts for 5 to 6 months Three one-week tutorials and three one-week workshops per program Theme in accordance with developing trends of the mathematical sciences and with needs and interests of local scientists, engineers and industrialists Local and foreign scientists will visit IMS for 1 week to six months and interact with one another through workshops, seminars and informal discussions Expects 40 visitors each visiting for an average of 6 weeks for each program
First Three Programs 1. Inaugural program “Coding Theory and Data Integrity” (July - December 2001) 2. Second Program “Post-genome Knowledge Discovery” (January – June 2002) 3. Third Programme “Representations of Lie Groups” (July 2002 – January 2003)
IMS Organizational Structure
Chairman of SAB Roger Howe, Yale University
Member of SAB Hans FÖLLMER Humboldt-University of Berlin
Member of SAB Avner FRIEDMAN University of Minnesota at Minneapolis
Member of SAB LUI Pao Chuen Chief Defence Scientist, Singapore
Member of SAB Keith MOFFATT University of Cambridge
Member of SAB David SIEGMUND Stanford University
Member of SAB CHONG Chi Tat Deputy Vice Chancellor, NUS Chairman, MB
Member of SAB Louis CHEN, Director, IMS
Former Member of SAB Jacques-Louis LIONS Collège de France
Location of the Institute Department of Mathematic – S14 Central Library Science Library
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