November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV1 A Location Reference Event Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) draft-schulzrinne-geopriv-locationref-00 Henning Schulzrinne Columbia University
November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV2 Goals Allow UA to obtain location reference or value –RPRU = Randomized Presence Retrieval URL Recipient should be able to “claim” LO –authorization by possession (“pawn ticket”) –no need for authorization relationship between LIS and UAS –can subscribe to updates Unified LbyV and LbyR mechanism Single mechanism for retrieval and subscriptions
November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV3 Reference with network identifier UAC LIS/ PS UAS SUBSCRIBE sip:lis Event: locationref;mac=“0:..:27” NOTIFY sip:uac Event: locationref INVITE sip:uas Geolocation: SUBSCRIBE Event: presence NOTIFY sip:uas Event: presence
November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV4 AOR-based UAC LIS/ PS UAS PUBLISH Event: presence NOTIFY Event: locationref INVITE sip:uas Geolocation: SUBSCRIBE Event: locationref
November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV5 UAC LIS/ PS UAS SUBSCRIBE sip:lis Event: presence;mac=“0:..:27” INVITE sip:uas Geolocation: mid:x123mid:x123 Content-Type: … NOTIFY sip:uac Event: presence Value with network identifier
November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV6 Event parameters ;ip=“ ” ;mac=“0:3:fc:0:ca:27” ;msap=“tuyx48wuaz==“ –base64-encoded version of 802.1ab (LLDP) MAC service access point ;cdp=“8th-floor/17” –Should we define CDP switch/port information?
November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV7 OI#1: Proof of possession For IP address, would like proof of possession for UA –prevent getting locations of neighborhood UAs Easy if no outbound proxy and same subnet –even with NAT (if Contact/ip= uses STUN-derived address) Harder with outbound proxy –outbound proxy could compare source IP address and Contact –compare Via and Contact? –only works for trusted proxy likely for proxy operated by ISP or VSP but malicious user could operate own proxy –use STUN (on LIS)?
November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV8 OI#2: Location vs. Presence No separate mechanism just to subscribe to location –not a major issue for LIS/PS, since it only knows location information –can do this via watcher filter in SUBSCRIBE, if desired –presence ref also likely to be useful Proposal: change ‘locationref’ to ‘presenceref’
November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV9 OI#3: Location by value Need to define ‘presence’ event package parameters
November 2006IETF67 - GEOPRIV10 OI#4: Finding the LIS DHCP --> need draft (similar to LoST mechanism?) Use same mechanism as SIP configuration -- based on UA domain name Could also use zeroconf/Bonjour discovery