Collaboration and Branding Keys to Raising your Image Misty Wick November 12, 2009
Vendor Relationships Built relationship with Purchasing Office in order to connect with appropriate technology vendors Fostered relationships with the technology vendors who participate in the sponsorship program
Regional Campus Planners & UITS Build trust with colleagues Foster and maintain ongoing relationships Listen and provide guidance and support Collaborate on ideas for future events Be pro-active rather than re-active
The Evolution of a Brand
Know your target audience Know who you should target (type of message) Appeal to target audience through a variety of communications vehicles (where messages should be displayed)
It’s all about U Relationship Building & Collaboration Office of Communications and Marketing-IUPUI IUPUI undergraduate students IUPUI schools/departments
IT4U.IUPUI.EDU IUPUI web site design template Similar look and feel to IUPUI campaign Locations to communicate message Brand Identity & Message
November 12, 2009 Misty Wick Senior Communications Specialist University Information Technology Services (UITS) Communications and Support Division