C. hepatica C.philippinensis Capillaria C. hepatica C.philippinensis
Capillaria hepatica Definitive Host: Rodents. Rats 86% are infected Few other mammals but rarely humans Intermediate Host: None. Geographic Distribution: Cosmopolitan Mode of Transmission: Ingestion of contaminated food, water, or dirt Location in D.H.: Liver Capillaria hepatica Eggs must leave the liver and embryonate in the soil before they are infective so if an animal eats the infected rat liver, it will pass the eggs through the intestine. If the animal isn’t eaten, the eggs end up in the soil by the decomposition. Eggs have been found in the intestines of earthworms suggesting they are transport hosts. Human infections are generally accidental from ingesting food contaminated with dirt. 28 reported infections but probably an underestimate.
Capillaria hepatica Pathology: Damage to liver parenchyma by grazing worms. Symptoms: Similar to other liver disease including hepatitis Diagnosis: Usually seen at autopsy. Rarely in liver biopsy. Eggs may be found in feces but are probably unembryonated (just passing through). Treatment: Albendazole
Life Cycle of Capillaria hepatica Adults in liver Eggs laid Host eaten Juvenile migrate to liver Eggs go out in feces of predator Host dies Eggs hatch Eggs eaten by rodent Embryonate in soil
Capillaria sp. Very large genus Infect every organ and tissue of all classes of vertebrates. C. philippinensis zoonotic human parasite but normal host unknown Small freshwater fish intermediate host C. aerophila live in lungs of carnivores C. annulata esophagus and crop of birds Uses earthworm as intermediate host C. plica kidneys and urinary bladder of canids C. linearis in cats C. procyonis lives in the tongue of raccoons C. philippinensis is an intestinal parasite. In 1963, a few cases were discovered. Then in 1967, an epidemic occurred in Luzon that killed several dozen people. It has since been reported from Thailand, Iran, Japan, and Eygpt. Severe pathology can occur from autoinfection; the female releases live juveniles into the host and the juveniles mature. Reservoir is unknown despite intense surveys in Luzon but it is suspected to be fish-eating birds. People die from disruption of electrolyte balance leading to heart failure. C. aerophila has been recorded in humans and can cause economic loss in fox farms.
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