Parking Enforcement in Lincolnshire Phil Drury Director of Development Boston Borough Council
What does it mean? Decriminalised Parking. Non Endorsable Parking Offence Enforcement. Dangerous and Obstructive Parking Remain Criminal Offences. Off Street Parking.
Why? Road Traffic Act The Highways Authority. Home Office ‘encouragement’. Traffic Management Act 2004 (Home Secretary Powers). Transport Act 2000 (LTP).
Advantages Single enforcement regime for on and off street parking. Less illegal parking. Increased use of off street parking. Revenue kept locally for local use. Allows for priority for residents
Disadvantages Cannot return to Police enforcement. Short term and possibly long term financial deficit. Local Authority’s Wardens do not have the same powers as Traffic Wardens.
Options for Two Tier Councils County Council (Highways Authority) does all aspects. County Council administer across Lincolnshire, Boston Borough Council enforce locally. Boston Borough Council does all aspects.
The Process DfT Special Parking Area. Review all Traffic Regulation Orders. Agree to the County/District Agency Agreement and Processes. Joint National Parking Adjudication Service. Train & Recruit Staff. Timetable.
Resident Parking Current Position in Lincolnshire Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 Previous County Council Zones & Policy Current Highway Authority View