United Kingdom
U NITED K INGDOM : T HE B IG P ICTURE System of Government: Distribution of Power: Electoral System: Constitution: Legislature: Current Prime Minister: Current Ruling Party: Major Political Parties:
U NITED K INGDOM : T HE B IG P ICTURE System of Government: Parliamentary System Distribution of Power: Unitary Electoral System: Single Member District Plurality Constitution: Unwritten constitution Legislature: Bicameral—House of Commons & House of Lords Current Prime Minister: David Cameron Current Ruling Party: Conservative Major Political Parties: Labour, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats
M EXICO : T HE B IG P ICTURE System of Government: Distribution of Power: Electoral System: Constitution: Legislature: Current Head of State: Head of Government: Current Ruling Party: Major Political Parties:
M EXICO : T HE B IG P ICTURE System of Government: Presidential Distribution of Power: Federal System Electoral System: Mixed System: SMDP and PR Constitution: Constitution of 1917 Legislature: Bicameral—Chamber of Deputies & Senate Current Head of State: Felipe Calderon Head of Government: Felipe Calderon Current Ruling Party: PAN Major Political Parties: PRI, PAN, PRD