Peru By: Jeremy Bauer
Basic Info Location: Peru is in Western South America bordering Ecuador, Brazil, and Chile Capital: Lima Government System: Constitutional Republic
The Flag Colors: A Red Stripe Then a White Stripe Then Another Red Stripe Represents the incas and their important impact on the country Symbols: In the center there is a Llama which is a very important animal in peru because of its ability to help transport goods and a cinchona tree which represents natural resources and a cornucopia with gold which represents prosperity
Independence July 28 th 1824 The independence of Peru from Spain was declared in 1821but was not fully accomplished until 1824 On each independence day the Peruvians pay tribute to the great patriots who worked to liberate them like Tupic Amaru, Pumachua, Aguilar, Micaela Bastidas
Peruvian Civil War In 1980 Peru’s Economy had been going through a downfall which resulted in social tensions which gave rise to guerilla warfare then a new leader (Alberto Fujimori) was put into power who helped to ease the economic problem however guerilla warfare still was powerful after a smaller economic breakdown the president was put out of power and in 2001 a new president was democratically elected and peace was soon restored
Combate Naval De Angamos October 8 th Memorial of a battle fought against Chile off of Angamos point in which Admiral Miguel Grau who had held off Chile from getting past his point with just an ironclad and some frigates was Killed In Action
Machu Picchu Great city created by the Inca On top of a mountain was forgotten for many years until an American explorer discovered it in 1911 One of the largest pre Colombian sites still intact It contains 3000 steps connecting it at different levels is known for its grand terraces
Lake Titicaca Located on the border of Bolivia and Peru Its located 12.5 thousand feet above sea level It also is the highest navigable lake in the world It also has the highest volume of water in it than any other in South America
Miguel Grau Seminario Voted Peruvian of the millennia Is famous for his naval heroics against Chile as an admiral in the war of the pacific Combate Naval De Angamos , 45 years old, KIA
Saint Rosa of Lima First saint from the Americas Born: Lima, Peru 1586 Died:1617 Saint Rosa Was at first admired for her Beauty so to keep from relations that distracted from God she began to disfigure her face to abstain from distractions of men.
Sports One of the main sports in Peru is soccer due to the fact that its a South American country and soccer is very important in that continent. Peru has been in the world cup 3 times 1970,1978,1982 in 1970 they went all the way to the Quarter Finals. Other sports In Peru: Bullfighting Volleyball Basketball and Golf
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