CHEMINFO and Groth: The Web and Chemistry Gary Wiggins Chemistry Library IU Forum on Digital Libraries April 16, 2002
CHEMINFO: Chemical Information Sources Resource Guides Instructional Materials Archives of CHMINF-L: the Chemical Information Sources Discussion List Databases
CHEMINFO Resource Guides SIRCh: Selected Internet Resources for Chemistry CCIIM: Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instructional Materials
Taxonomy (Classification)
SIRCh Index
SIRCh: Selected Chapter Titles
SIRCh: Analytical Chemistry
CHEMINFO Instructional Materials Four one-hour undergraduate courses (C371-2, C471-2) Two three-hour graduate courses C571-2)
CHMINF-L: Chemical Information Sources Discussion List In existence since May 1991 Over 1250 subscribers Sponsors: Chemical Information Sections of American Chemical Society Special Libraries Association Royal Society of Chemistry American Society for Information Science & Technology
CHMINF-L Archives as a Knowledge Base Many librarians on CHMINF-L, which began in May Search for the History of Chemistry found 226 entries found on 4/14/02, e.g., Alchemy pictures History of the journal Chemical Physics Letters The chemistry of embalming
CHEMINFO Databases Chemical Acronyms Database Mentioned in Science, February 2002 Chemical Reference Sources Database Faculty Publications of the IU Chemistry Dept. IU Molecular Structure Center
Groth, P. (Paul), Chemische Krystallographie Leipzig: W. Engelmann, v. T. 1. Elemente: Anorganische Verbindungen ohne Salzcharakter. Einfache und complexe Halogenide, Cyanide und Azide der Metalle, nebst den zugehörigen Alkylverbindungen. T. 2. Die anorganischen Oxo- und Sulfosalze. T. 3. Aliphatische und hydroaromatische Kohlenstoffverbindungen. T. 4. Aromatische Kohlenstoffverbindungen mit einem Benzolringe. T. 5. Aromatische Kohlenstoffverbindungen mit mehreren Benzolringen heterocyclische Verbindungen.
Groth: Access Database Portion of the table with chemical names, molecular formulas, SMILES, and links to images on the Web.
Groth: Image from page 4: 6
XMorph Rendering of a Crystal
SMILES input for Structure Searching
SMILES for 1,2,3-Tribromobenzene
Future Developments Metadata coding and XML for selected CHMINF-L Web pages Links to XMorph renderings from the Groth database Structure searching of the Groth database with JME Molecular Editor input of SMILES Put DB on the Web with Cold Fusion
Acknowledgments CHEMINFO SLIS students, especially Keith Schreiber & Sonia Gupta Professional society sponsors (ACS, RSC, SLA, ASIST) UITS personnel, especially Peg Bassett Steve Rosenthal, Chemical Abstracts Service Groth Chemical Informatics students, especially: Ronald M. Brown Dustin M. Hilkey Alicia M. Prater Ronald D. Willis IUB Libraries Digital Library Program, especially: Jenn Riley Dedong Wu for XMorph Peter Ertl for JME Molecular Editor John Bollinger of the IU MSC UITS for Veritas