Press space bar to start Press space bar to start The Rules 1.You have 2 cards – labelled “TRUE” or “FALSE” 2.Answer each question by holding up the appropriate card 3.Those who hold up the incorrect card are eliminated from the game 4.The last person(s) in the game wins! The Rules 1.You have 2 cards – labelled “TRUE” or “FALSE” 2.Answer each question by holding up the appropriate card 3.Those who hold up the incorrect card are eliminated from the game 4.The last person(s) in the game wins! TEACHER’S INSTRUCTIONS TEACHER’S INSTRUCTIONS
Question 1 The iPhone was first launched in 2010 FALSE TRUE Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue
Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue Question 2 The CEO of Microsoft is now Satya Nadella TRUE FALSE
Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue Question 3 Samsung is one of China's leading companies FALSE TRUE
Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue Question 4 Fairy is the leading dish- cleaning brand in the UK TRUE FALSE
Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue Question 5 Heinz beanz was first launched in 1963 FALSE TRUE
Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue Question 6 Boots the Chemist is now owned by US firm Walgreens TRUE FALSE
Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue Question 7 The 5 most popular theme parks in the world are all operated by Disney TRUE FALSE
Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue Question 8 Royal Mail Group is a nationalised business FALSE TRUE
Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue Question 9 Costa Coffee and Premier Inn are both owned by the same firm - Whitbread TRUE FALSE
Press space bar to continue Press space bar to continue Question 10 Jeff Bezos is the CEO of Amazon TRUE FALSE
Well done! You have survived the ‘Eliminator Game!’ Well done! You have survived the ‘Eliminator Game!’
Instructions: This is an activity used either at the end of a lesson to test learning or at the beginning of the next lesson to test knowledge. Preparation: Print off enough ‘answer cards’ (slide 14 or 15) as is needed for your class. For full effect, it is a good idea to print answer TRUE and answer FALSE on different colours (or use the coloured versions on slide 15).
TRUE answer FALSE answer
TRUE answer FALSE answer