Native Americans Earliest Settlers Mid Atlantic Colonies William Penn Misc.
Who were the two main Native American Tribes in Pennsylvania when the Colonists arrived?
Who were the Algonquins and Iroquois?
Describe the Longhouses.
What were Multi-Family dwellings for 10 to 12 Iroquois families?
Trading without a money system was called ………………..
What was bartering?
What did the earliest Native Americans travel across to get away from the Ice Age in Europe and Asia and follow their food/game?
What was the Bering Ice Bridge?
What was the very first form of Democracy and how did it work?
What was the League of Iroquois Nations/Five Tribes; the settled disputes peacefully with representatives from each tribe?
Why did the original colonists leave England and the King’s strict rule?
What was Religious Persecution
Where did the colonists first settle and when(year/date)?
What is Jamestown, Virginia in 1607?
Describe the conditions in Plymouth, Mass. that the Colonists had in 1620!
What is mountainous land, rocky and bad soil, cold and short growing seasons!
Who were the first Europeans in Pennsylvania?
Who were the Dutch and the Swedes?
What world famous custom did the Swedes introduce?
What is Saint Nicholas, or present day Santa Claus?
Name the 4 major States that made up the original Mid Atlantic Colonies.
What are Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey?
Name three reasons why the colonists moved south to the Mid-Atlantic Colonies from New England/mass.
What are better soil, warmer climate, better land for farming (no mountains)?
What was hub of trading and commerce in Pennsylvania ?
The Port of Philadelphia was located on the Delaware River.
Where did the first settlers in the Mid-Atlantic Colonies come from?
From England, France, Spain. Sweden, and the Dutch from Holland.
What two things of importance did the Dutch leave the colonies?
What are how to build log cabins and introducing cows?
Where did William Penn aquire his 27 million acres in North America?
From a debt The King owed his father.
What does Pennsylvania mean?
What is Penn’s Woods?
What did the Quakers believe?
They were non-violent and did not believe in war; they believed everyone was equal.
What was the “Holy Experiment?”
Penn’s ideas for a new colony in North America with Quaker beliefs.
What three main ideals did Penn want for Pennsylvania?
What are religious freedom; everyone equal rich or poor; and voice in the Government.
What were the Quakers first called?
What is “The Society of Friends.”
What was “The Walking treaty?”
What was a contract for land between the Iroquois and William Penn’s family?
What was an Indentured Servant?
Colonist who could not afford transportation to North America and had to work for 7 years.
Why was Pennsylvania so diverse ?
Everyone was welcome no matter what race, color, or culture!
Explain the Pennsylvania Dutch’s Hex signs.
What were colorful designs painted on barns, because they did not believe in putting colorful objects in their homes.