National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2010 Government of Tamil Nadu Department of Horticulture & Plantation crops Dr. Chandra Mohan B, Director
2 HORTICULTURE CROPS, AREA, PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY A-Area in Lakh ha, P-Production in Lakh MT, Pty – Productivity MT/ha
Area coverage under Kharif-2010 Sl noCropArea (ha) Production Productivity Mt/ha 1Fruits Vegetables Spices Plantation Crops Flowers Medicinal Crop Total
Strategies 1 Government of India Schemes High density planting Protected cultivation Use of pollinators Mulching Mechanization HRD National Horticulture Mission Judicious use of water Efficient root zone management with application of required amount of water to the crop Micro Irrigation Improved agronomic practices+ water saving methods Precise application of inputs Nutrient efficiency Managing of infield variability Precision farming Improved agriculture practice in non-forest areas Bamboo Mission
Strategies 2 State Plan Schemes Use of Hybrid/High yielding varieties of vegetable seeds Integrated Horticulture Development Scheme Establishment of orchards in hilly tribal holdings Integrated Tribal Development Programme Horticulture plantation in watershed areas Western Ghats Development Programme Crop diversificationHill Area Development Programme
Schemes for Kharif – 2010….1 S/noSchemeComponentPhysical Area in Ha Financial lakhs 1.National Horticulture Mission Implemented in 20 districts Mission mode approach Enhanced subsidy Amount Area coverage Rejuvenation Protected cultivation Pollination support Mechanisation Front line demonstration Other component Total outlay Micro Irrigation Implemented in 28 districts Mission Mode approach Enhanced rate of subsidy from 50% to 65 % due to increased state share 15% to 25% Area coverage
Schemes contd….2 S/noSchemeComponentPhysical Area in Ha Financial lakhs 3.Precision Farming Convergence with MI Implementation by Horti/Agri Dept. Cluster approach Implemented in 27 districts Training to precision farmers Precision Farming Horticulture Agriculture National Bamboo Mission Implemented in 15 districts Fully funded by GOI Area coverage Integrated Horticulture Development Scheme Implemented in 29 districts State funded scheme Inputs at 50% subsidy Area coverage Integrated Tribal Development Programme Implemented in 7districts State funded scheme Input at 50%-90% subsidy Area coverage
Schemes contd….3 s/no SchemeComponentPhysical Area in Ha Financial lakhs 7.Western Ghat Development Programme Implementation -1 district State funded scheme Water Shed Basis Input at 25% subsidy Area coverage Hill Area Development Programme Implementation- 1 district State funded scheme Input at 25% subsidy Area coverage
Area coverage under Precision farming s/noDepartment Total Phy (Ha) Fin ( lakhs Phy (Ha) Fin ( lakhs Phy (Ha) Fin ( lakhs Phy (Ha) Fin ( lakhs 1Horticulture Agriculture TNAU Total
Incremental increases realised under Precision farming CropNormal Yield ton/ha) yield obtained ton/ha Yield increase ton/ha Increased Income/ha (Rs) Tomato ,000 Chillies ,000 Brinjal ,000 Bhendi ,000 Onion ,000 Banana508022,40,000
Incremental increases realised under Precision farming Hybrid varieties CropNormal Yield ton/ha) yield obtained ton/ha Yield increase ton/ha Increased Income/ha (Rs) Brinjal ,65,000 Tomato ,000 Watermelon ,000 Chillies ,000 Sugarcane ,21,000 Cotton ,000 Groundnut ,150 Maize ,000 Sunflower ,000
Impact of Precision farming Cluster approach +farmer's society helped strengthening farmers’ bargaining competency Great awareness created, farmers volunteering to adopt Precision farming Increased demand among farmers have driven the sugar factories to adopt precision farming Sakthi Sugars Ha, Dhanalakshmi Sugars Ha,Rajshree Sugars Ha. Perambalur Sugar Mill 400 Ha. Dharani Sugar Mills Ha. Farmers aware of use of water soluble fertilizers and now requesting subsidy on par with chemical fertilizer To enhance Micro Irrigation activities, the Government enhanced the subsidy ceiling from 50% to 65% increasing the state share of subsidy from 15% to 25%
Impact of NHM to Fruits82800 HaMango, Aonla, Banana Flowers13300 HaCut flowers, Bulbous & Loose Flowers Spices42700 HaTurmeric, Chillies Medicinal & Aromatic 4200 HaColeus, Rosemary, Thyme Plantation Crops HaCashew, Cocoa Total Ha
Impact of Micro irrigation Sl/noYear Physical Area in haFinancial Rs in Lakhs TargetAchievementTargetAchievement – – Total
Impact of Other Schemes under RKVY Horticulture Name of the ProgrammePhysical Ha/NoFinancial (Rs. In Lakhs) TargetAchievementTargetAchievement *Hi-tech Productivity Enhancement programme Up gradation of HTC, Madhavaram into Horticulture Management Institute Total * Government order for implementation received recently. Achievements will be made from March-2010 onwards
Input requirement for Kharif-2010 S. No.InputsQTYRequirement for Khariff-2010 SourceShortfall Seeds 1TomatoKg6500 State Horticulture farms TANHOPE NIL 2BhendiKg BrinjalKg5000 4Gourds & BeansKg OthersKg4000 Total 1,12,000 Planting Material 1Mango GraftNo NIL 2AonlaNo CashewNo Cocoa SeedlingsNo BananaNo84329 TotalNo Fertilisers 1. WSF Ton2645 NIL
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