Hardwood Forest Foundation Understanding the Forests and the Trees
Vision and Mission Vision: Give the public a new pair of eyes to see and understand the forest and the trees. Mission: Provide science-based truthful messages about the benefits of multiple-use forestry to educators.
Infrastructure Executive Committee Education Committee Scholarship Committee Communications/Membership Committee Finance Committee
Executive Committee President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Committee is composed of three elected officers from the Board of Directors
Education Committee Explores, expands and develops all educational programs produced by and associated with the Foundation Truth About Trees Spotlight On
Truth About Trees Created in 2006, Truth About Trees is an educational kit that is distributed free of charge throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico One kit, plus one day, plus one classroom equals 20 children…
Truth About Trees Children love the program because it teaches them the importance of trees and allows them to relate the lesson to things they learn at home “My Papa taught me that trees give us oxygen…” Ana Grace Ashe, First Grader
Truth About Trees Forest products industry members appreciate the program because it is designed to eliminate the misconception that harvesting trees is bad for the environment “Many of my students don’t really understand North American forests are better off than they were decades ago and that the number of trees planted in North America actually exceeds the number harvested.” Christina Carota, Fifth Grade Teacher
Spotlight On Five minute PBS television documentary highlighting the forest products industry Funded by the Foundation and its donors To be televised at least 500 times Potential viewership of at least three million people Will be complete Fall 2007 Airdates to be released shortly before completion
Scholarship Committee Oversees the scholarship process and allocates funding for grant distribution Future Educator Scholarships Project Learning Tree Grant Funding
Educator Scholarships The Foundation is committed to distributing college scholarships to aspiring teachers and at the same time providing these teachers with knowledge and teaching tools concerning the forest products industry Recipient must meet the following criteria: 2.5 Cumulative GPA Enrolled in a senior level college education program Scholarship applications are taken on a continuous basis and are available at
Project Learning Tree To date, the Foundation has awarded approximately $80,000 in grant funding to state Project Learning Tree programs Project Learning Tree is the environmental education program of the American Forest Foundation Programs are delivered at state level
Communications/ Membership Committee Oversees all public relations issues and develops and nurtures membership program Communications Tools Revised Membership Program
Communication Tools Focus on the Forest, Foundation Newsletter Designed to serve as a mouthpiece for the Foundation Serves as an instant, at-your-fingertips form of communication that provides educational information. In addition, it houses all Foundation documents Other industry publications Word of Mouth
Revised Membership Program The Foundation recently revised its membership program to allow for corporations and organizations to join, in addition to individual members Alumni Chancellor Professor Dean’s List Student Participant
Finance Committee Oversees all financial aspects of the Foundation, including grant writing, grant distribution, fundraising events and scholarship programs Maintains a working budget that keeps the Foundation in compliance with all 501(c)(3) regulations
What Can YOU Do? The success of the Foundation relies on its support from the forest products industry Become a member Sponsor fundraising events Give a Truth About Trees presentation Be informed about what the Foundation is doing by subscribing to its e-newsletter, Focus on the Forest Continue spreading the message to your peers about the efforts of the Foundation
Hardwood Forest Foundation 6830 Raleigh LaGrange Road Memphis, TN