Forest Mensuration II Lectures 11 Stocking and Stand Density Avery and Burkhart, Chapter 15 Lecture 11 FORE 3218 Lecture 11
Definitions Stand Density –is a quantitatively term describing the degree of stem crowding within a stocked area Absolute or relative Stocking –refers to the adequacy of a given stand density to meet some management objective Understocked, fully stocked, or overstocked Stand density and stocking are often applied interchangeably A stand that is “overstocked” for one management objective could be “understocked” for another Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Measures of Stand Density Stand density – measures how thickly trees grow in a stand Stems per unit area Basal area Volume Indices Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Measures of Stand Density Stems per unit area Basal area Relative stand density Crown competition factor Fully stocked Subject stand Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Measures of Stand Density (cont.) Stems per unit area Basal area Relative stand density Crown competition factor Fully stocked Subject stand Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Measures of Stand Density (cont.) Ontario’s Jack Pine DMD (Archibald & Bowling. 1995. OMNR NEST TN-005) Zone of Imminent Competition Mortality Zone of crown closure RSD=1 =0.55 =0.15 Stems per unit area Basal area Relative stand density Crown competition factor RSD = Density of the subject stand Maximum density attainable with the same as the subject stand 3/2 law of self thinning Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Measures of Stand Density (cont.) Stems per unit area Basal area Relative stand density Crown competition factor – reflects the area available to the average tree in a stand in relation to the maximum area it could use if it were open-grown Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Measures of Point Density Quantify the competition level at a given point or a tree in a stand Area overlap index Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Measures of Point Density Distance-weighted size ratios Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Stocking A ratio of comparison of the density of a subject stand to that of a “ideal” or reference stand Volume Basal area Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Measures of Stocking What should constitute full stocking of a particular species on a given site? Normal or fully stocked stand: in such a hypothetical stand, tree crowns are fitted together so that no sunlight is wasted and each crown is matched with a root system that fully utilizes the soil Normal stands are “average best” -- closed canopy stands Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Stocking (cont.) Measures Mature stands Stands at regeneration stage Lecture 11 FORE 3218
Stocking Guides Depicts the relationship between basal area, trees per ha, and quadratic diameter at breast-height 15 20 25 30 A B Mean DBH (cm) Basal area per ha 10 Lecture 11 FORE 3218 Trees per ha