Abstract: Tomato is one among three most important solanacious vegetables cultivated in the world. Tomato is cultivated in to methods such as direct seeding and transplanting and transplanting occupies prime area. Tillage operations (both primary and secondary) are important for better production of tomato. Country plough, mould board plough, disc plough and chisel plough are widely used for tomato cultivation. Disc harrows, cultivators, rotavator are used for finer operations. Main field of tomato is modified in to ridges and furrows, beds and channels and raised beds, of these, ridges and furrows are widely practiced. PREVIOUSNEXT END
Learning objectives: To learn the different tillage implements used for tomato cultivation. To study the various land modifications practiced before planting or sowing of tomato. Introduction: Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is most important and remunerative vegetable crop in the World. A rich source of minerals, vitamins and organic acids, tomato fruit provides 3–4% of total sugar, 4–7% of total solids, 15– 30mg/100g of ascorbic acid. Tomato is one of the most important three solanaceous vegetables (tomato, chilli and brinjal/egg plant) grown in the world. PREVIOUSNEXT END
It is comparatively tender crop and having moderately deep root system and hence suitable field preparations ensure the better tomato cultivation. Tillage is the mechanical manipulation of the soil and being practiced even prior to crop production. Good tilth provide amenable environment for tomato cultivation and is pre- requisite. Different tillage implements, both of animal and tractor drawn are used for obtaining good tilth. After tillage, the land is ready for raising tomato and certain modifications (like ridges and furrows) are made to ease irrigation and other management and tomato is sown or planted PREVIOUSNEXT END
Methods of cultivation Tomato is mainly cultivated in two methods, viz., direct seeding and transplanting. However, transplanting is the most common and widely practiced method. 1. Direct seeding Direct seeding of tomato results in early flowering, early fruiting, early yield and less incidence of pests and diseases. The main field is prepared and after obtaining fine tilth the land is modified according the situation and the seeds are sown directly. PREVIOUSNEXT END
Seeding of 3–5 seeds in a clump at 25–30cm ensures 2–3 plants/clump. Seeds should be sown 1.25 to 2.5cm deep. After establishment of plants, thinning should be done to maintain 1–2 seedlings/hill. Close spacing has the advantage of higher yield by direct seeding. Due to light weight of seeds and the seeds are to be sown at shallow depth, it is very difficult to make direct seeding and not practiced widely by many of farmers. PREVIOUSNEXT END
2. Transplanting Transplanting method of planting comprises of two stages, 1.Raising seedlings in nursery and 2. Transplanting in main field. Nursery preparation For raising the seedlings for one ha, about 250m 2 area is required. Generally, 7.5m length and 1.2m to 1.5m width of nursery beds are preferred. The bed are raised or elevated to the height of 5-10cm by making scooping of soil in all four corners. The beds are covered with a layer of well decomposed farmyard 4kg/m 2 and sand is mixed if the clay proportion is more PREVIOUSNEXT END
Necessary seed treatment is practiced to reduce the ill effects of seedling in nursery. Soon after sowing, the beds should be irrigated with rose can and covered with paddy straw. The beds should be irrigated everyday morning. Seedlings are ready for transplanting 4–5 weeks after sowing. Hardening of seedlings before transplanting is essential for better setting in the field. Hardening is done by withholding water 4–5 days before uprooting seedlings. PREVIOUSNEXT END
Transplanting Good seedlings obtained from the nursery are taken to main field and planted. The field is prepared preferably as ridges and furrows of about 60cm and flat bed and raised bed methods are used. Raised beds economize watering, there is less incidence of diseases and pests and sometimes has the advantage of staking. Mechanically harvested and processing tomatoes should be planted at close spacing. Hybrids are planted at wider spacing from row-to-row and close spacing of plant-to-plant to facilitate mechanization PREVIOUSNEXT END
Tillage for tomato Tillage is the important operation carried out in tomato cultivation where the soil is ploughed using implements to attain good tilth. Primary tillage is the initial soil breaking ploughing and manipulating of top cm soil, whereas secondary tillage includes seedbed preparation and intercultural operations up to a depth of 15 cm. Tomato root system penetrates up to about 60 cm deep, both primary (deep) and secondary (fine and shallow) tillages are necessary. Both nursery and main fields, the tillage operations carried out are common in tomato. PREVIOUSNEXT END
Primary tillage implements Important primary tillage implements used for land preparation tomato are country plough, mould board plough, disc plough and chisel plough. Country plough is the most important plough used by many of the farmers of developing country in tomato cultivation. It is drawn only with bullocks and cuts a ‘V’ shaped furrow and opens the soil, but no inversion is made. Due to advent of mechanization, many of the modern ploughing implements are introduced. PREVIOUSNEXT END
Mould board plough is ploughing to the depth of about 30-40cm is highly useful. This implement is mainly attached to the tractor and soil inversion is main advantage. Disc ploughs operate with 60cm diameter of discs and scoop-out the soil and turns it. Grassy weedy fields, the plough are a boon but, stony fields, these ploughs can’t be used. Chisel ploughs or sub-soilers are used for breaking the hard pan (formed due to nature of soil or man made or due to compaction of heavy machineries). PREVIOUSNEXT END
Secondary tillage implements After the opening up of soil or deep ploughing, the soil is to be made fine and shallow ploughing is practiced. Country plough is also used for the secondary tillage operation but, cultivator and disc harrows attached to the tractor are widely used for secondary tillage operation. Cultivators with varied tynes (9 or 11 etc.) are used for finer and shallow ploughing operation. PREVIOUSNEXT END
The disc harrow consists of a number of concave discs of 45 to 55 cm in diameter. The discs cut through the soil and effectively pulverize the clods. Rotavator are also put in use for breaking clods in many a case but, there is possibility of damage of physical characters of the soil. Generally, one deep ploughing using primary tillage implements followed by two or three fine tillages are made prior to tomato cultivation. PREVIOUSNEXT END
Land modification for tomato Tomato is directly sown or transplanted in to the main field. Both of these, mostly ridges and furrow method is commonly practiced. However, beds and channels; and raised bed cultivation are also practiced in certain cases. Ridges of varying sizes (45 cm to 90cm) are formed depending on cultivar, vigour of plant, irrigation method (surface or drip) etc. Ridge ploughs of either attached to bullock pair or tractor are used for making the ridges. PREVIOUSNEXT END
After the ridges formation, channels are framed according to the convenient. The seeds are sown or seedlings are transplanted in the sides of the ridges. Beds and channels are formed using bund former of animal drawn or tractor drawn implements. Based on slope, irrigation availability and other management factors, the size of the beds is formed. Commonly, 6 x 6m or 8 x 8m bed sized is formed. Raised beds are formed in water stagnating areas and special implements used for this purpose. PREVIOUSNEXT END
Summary: Tomato is mainly cultivated in two methods, viz., direct seeding and transplanting and of them, latter is more predominant. Direct seeding of tomato results in early flowering, early fruiting, early maturity and less incidence of pests and diseases. Transplanting method of planting comprises of two stages, such as raising seedlings in nursery and transplanting in the main field. About 1.2m to 1.5m width of nursery beds are preferred for tomato nursery. PREVIOUSNEXT END
Summary: Mould board plough is widely used in tomato cultivation and soil inversion is main advantage. Disc ploughs scoop-out the soil, turns it and grassy weedy fields, the plough are highly useful. Cultivator and disc harrows attached to the tractor are widely used for secondary tillage operation. Tomato is cultivated in ridges and furrows, flat bed and raised bed methods. Ridges and furrow method is commonly practiced method in tomato. PREVIOUSNEXT END
1.Tomato is mostly cultivated through transplanting method (True/False). 2.Mould board plough is mainly used for secondary tillage purpose (True/False). 3.Disc ploughs are preferred in grassy field (True/False). 4.Cultivator and disc harrows are widely used for secondary tillage operation (True/False). 5.Ridges and furrow method is commonly practiced method in tomato (True/False). PREVIOUSNEXT END
References Singh, S.P Commercial fruits. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. Kumar, N Introduction to Horticulture. Rajalakshmi Publications, Nagarcoil, Tamil Nadu. Yellamanda Reddy, T. and G.H.Sankara Reddi Principles of Agronomy. Kalyani Publisher, Ludhiana. PREVIOUSNEXT END