Team 7A-1 Team Crusaders
7A-1 Ms. Tonia Avent Language Arts Mrs. Amanda Burton Science Ms. Julia Calhoun Reading Ms. Angelia Jordan Social Science Mr. Bill Trisler Math
Supply List 1 3” 3 ring binder 15 dividers Wide ruled paper Pencil Pouch Colored pencils 5 three ring two sided folders #2 pencils Black/Blue ink pens Glue sticks Highlighters Graph Paper A ream of copy paper 3 composition notebooks (no spiral notebooks) Hand sanitizer Box of tissue
School Hours 8:20 to 3:40
Bus Route and Time If you are riding a bus to and from school, you will need to check the bus route at the end of the hallway on the back end. If you have any questions regarding the specific bus, please contact transportantion
Schedules Students will receive their schedules on Thursday, the first day of school.
Important documents Documents such as: Proof of residency School health information Student registration form Student residency form Lunch forms Will be sent home on Thursday. Please sign and return Friday.
Lockers Lockers will be available for rent within the first couple of weeks of school. In order to rent a locker the fee is $5. In order to rent a PE locker the fee is $2.
Spirit Wear Spirit wear for physical education are available for purchase in the atrium.
Prices for Breakfast and Lunches Student breakfast $1.00 Student lunch $1.75
Communication While we like to hear from you via and/or telephone, please know that our main source of communication is the agenda. The student will be responsible for keeping up with the agenda as well as getting it signed NIGHTLY!!!
Webpages Please be sure to check our web pages. We will post homework, classwork and important information.
Dress Code Please remember to check the school website, and your student on a daily basis. NO SKULLS!!!