Migrate – to move from one place to another Society – a group of people working under a set of rules and traditions. Hunting & Gathering- members of homo sapiens who send many hours a day searching for food. Role- the part a person plays in society; responsibility.
Surplus- an extra supply Barter- to trade for things people want. Irrigation- ways to move water to land. Slash-Burn-Farming- a system of farming in which thick forestlands are cut and burned to prepare the soil for planting
Almanac- writing that include information that describes the best way to plant, irrigate land, and care for crops. City-State- a city and farmlands around it. Bronze- a mixture of tin and copper. Cuneiform- a writing system based on wedge-shaped symbols.
Trade- when you give something to someone in return for something different. Pharaoh- a ruler of ancient Egypt. Pyramids- a structure that served as tombs for Egyptian rulers. Papyrus- a paper like material in which ancient Egyptians wrote on.
Cultural-Borrowing- the process in which a culture takes ideas from another culture. Peninsula- a stretched of land almost completely surrounded by water. Majority Rule- a system in where every member has one vote.
Standing Army- a permanent army. Arable- good for growing crops. Forum- a public square in ancient roman cities.