S. Ray Thomas Müller John von Neumann Institute for Computing Central Institute for Applied Mathematics Research Centre Jülich D Jülich, Germany A Survey on Computational Science Activities at NIC
S. Ray speed tools for program development & analysis supercomputers & grids render scientific computer simulations more realistic ! optimum use of computational resources fast algorithms with low scaling order develop & improve algorithms with parallel scalability
S. Ray domain-specific research in key areas active (interdisciplinary) cooperation with developers and user groups (on-site & external) retain state-of-the-art competence & codes through long-term commitment Structure Computer Simulation in Science and Technology Computer Science Numerical & Stochastic Methods
S. Ray ab-initio molecular structure methods 1700 atoms (TURBOMOLE) accurate electron correlation methods < 50 atoms (COLUMBUS/MOLCAS) lattice quantum field theory 1 Hadron (HMC-OF) long-range Coulomb interactions 10 8 charges (PEPC) short-range interactions 10 8 atoms (DMMD) photo chemistry catalysis many-particle dynamics quantum chromodynamics Computer Simulations in Physics and Chemistry Quantum Computing
S. Ray Quantum Chemistry Software Packages ADF Amsterdam Density Functional Code DFT (STO basis), parallel CPMD/CP2KCar-Parinello Molecular Dynamics Code DFT, periodic boundary conditions, massiv-parallel COLUMBUS parallel MRCI code analytical gradients, non-adiabatic coupling DALTON DFT, Coupled Cluster (CCS, CCSD, CC2), MCSCF response theory, magnetic properties, parallel Gaussian03general purpose code, moderately parallel MOLCASprimarily CASSCF, CASPT2, parallel
S. Ray Quantum Chemistry Software Packages, cont. MOLPRO Coupled Cluster (CCSD, CCSDT) MRCI (internally contracted), MCSCF local correlation methods (LMP2, LCCSD(T)) TURBOMOLE HF, DFT, MP2, Coupled Cluster (CC2) analytical gradients & forces TDDFT (ground and excited states) fast integral evaluation (RI methods, MARIJ) parallel