1 Welcome to WORLD EFFORT
saw record increases in the price of fuels we all use regularly, gasoline, diesel fuel and residential heating oil
3 The average monthly cost of food for a family of four eating at home, now averages over $750/mo and is rising.
4 The average cost of a child’s College education has skyrocketed past $100,000 for private schools and about $50,000 for public universities. Current trends show that these cost will more than double in the next 10 years.
5 Increasingly it is taking 2 incomes to make ends meet. 70% of women in the U.S. are now in the workforce which is up 45%
6 In the coming years, it will take 60% more than what we are earning now, just maintain our current lifestyle.
7 This has all had an impact on our Charities, Churches and Non-profits
8 Due to faltering domestic and world economies, total giving to charitable organizations in 2002 decreased an alarming $241,000,000,000 (billion) in our country and the majority of that giving decrease came from individuals.
9 Corporate giving is down, and available funds from the Government have literally evaporated, but it is the reduction in giving by individuals which is an alarming trend for America’s Charities, especially for those who depend on the services of those charities.
10 Membership and Donations to Churches and religious organizations are shrinking. As a result, the services and mission that they provide has been severely impacted.
11 Currently 66% of the churches in the main-line Congregations cannot afford a full-time pastor. In addition, the churches that do have full time Pastors, have found it hard to be able to increase Pastoral Compensation over the past decade.
12 Unfortunately, over the past few years there has been increased demands for services provided by charities, non- profits and religious organizations but, because of lack of funds, each of these entities are now forced to delay, cut back or totally abandon their programs.
13 Few of us realize how vital the services are that our charities, non-profits and churches actually provide and how much funding is needed by each charity every year.
14 Without Charities and non-profits, America would simply not be able to operate. (*published by AAFRC trust for Philanthropy)
15 World Effort recognizes these trends and knows something needs to be done now!
16 Not only do the non-profit organizations need help, but so do the individuals. Volunteer armies are shrinking, and the statistics are showing us why. People don’t have the luxury of time, or the financial security to volunteer as they once did.
17 By considering the individuals, and addressing their needs, World Effort has developed that key link. The link that makes it possible for an individual to focus their attention on helping non- profits, while taking care of the needs of their families.
18 Here is the World Effort Solution
19 Mission To assist non-profit organizations to raise new funds for humanitarian causes, which is accomplished through the efforts of independent agents, who are in turn compensated for their benevolent efforts.
20 Vision To be the premier international consortium of philanthropic fundraisers who contribute meaningfully in nourishing the needy and enhancing the quality of life for people worldwide.
21 What We Do Raise funds for charities Help churches, soup kitchens, missions, the homeless and a multitude of other humanitarian causes Provide a new source of year round funding for charities Generate donations through agents and outside resources
22 How You Benefit You make a difference helping worthy causes Improve your standard of living, while helping others Your compensation: -Recurring, residual weekly income - Long term & ongoing No cost to be an Agent
23 How We Do It Independent agents raise funds for charities Agent donations go to the designated charity or cause of their choice Agents receive ongoing commissions that enrich the standard of living for them, their families, and the community All donations are 100% tax deductible Efficient, internet-based organization maximizes contributions to benefactors
24 Funds Distribution From Every Dollar earned by our funding Agents or Others, our charities remain the main focus of our efforts receiving on average nearly 4 times more on each dollar. World Effort retains only a small percentage (10%) to cover necessary overhead and administration items.
25 Entry Level Commission Plan Raise donations for participating charities No cost to Agent Receive commissions
26 Immediate Team Commission Plan Requires a web office ($40 annual subscription fee) Earn commission on each donation generated by your Immediate Team Up to your own donation level
27 Extended Team Commission Plan Requires a web office ($40 annual subscription fee) One left and one right side agent to qualify Earn commissions on donation volume
28 Monthly Donation Levels $1,000 $500 $150 $50
29 Income Potential Donation Level – Commission % $1,000 25% $500 20% $150 15% $50 10%
30 Step 1: Choose a monthly donation Level Step 2: Send & raise donations Step 3: Invite a person to your right and to your left who do the same You Plus Two = Earn While You Learn How to …
31 Help Your Two Do The Same…
32 The Power of Duplication & Leverage
33 Charities Earn while You Earn [For Sample Illustration Purposes] Donation Volume Level When you Earn Min funds to charity $50 $400 $150 $800 $500$600$2400 $1,000$1,500$4,800
34 Participate in this Unique Opportunity You CAN make a difference Help others while helping you & your family Choose charities near & dear to you Great way to Financial Freedom
35 To join us an agent please contact the World Effort Agent who brought this information to you, or log into their website and click “Enroll as an Agent”. For an organization to get a contract, please go to our website and click “Become a preferred non-profit”. For an organization to join as an agent, see above. We look forward to working with you. Together We Will Make A Difference!