FOUNDERS OF THE CHARITY Bob Geldof and Midge Ure
DONATIONS “Geldof appeared on the Radio 1 breakfast show and promised that every penny would go to the cause.”
NO TAX ON DONATIONS TO THE CHARITY Geldof made the headlines by publicly standing up to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and, sensing the strength of public feeling, the government backed down and donated the tax back to the charity.
DID YOU KNOW?..... The hit single, Do They Know It’s Christmas?, was incredibly successful worldwide. It sold over two million copies around the globe and raised more than twenty-four million USD. There was then similar actions of support from countries such as Canada, France, Spain and the United States.
DID YOU KNOW?... The concerts were USA for Africa and Live Aid and were broadcast in over 165 countries across the globe. Band Aid and Live Aid combined raised about 150 million USD for the famine relief effort in Ethiopia. This is the most money raised than all previous celebrity charity combined.
FACTS The first international real-time concert, broadcast across the globe for two days. Live Aid and Band Aid were created to bring relief to the starving in Ethiopia. Geldof was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his continuing efforts to eradicate world hunger sparked by his creation of Live Aid.
GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Geldof succeeded in initiating global action through the skillful juxtaposition of structures and processes from the music industry to the aid context and by the equally skillful linking of the affect generated by popular music with that generated by famine imagery to trigger philanthropic activity among consumers of popular music. It raised world wide awareness and support for the cause they were trying to address. Bob Geldof and Midge Ure were successful as they were able to have the world participate in the project. Consumers worldwide supported their efforts as reflected by the single being highly successful with sales.
REFERENCE AA, Band Aid Retrieved from Imdb, (1990) Biography Bob Geldof Wikipedia, (2014) Do they know it’s Christmas? Retrieved from