student MSW PROGRAM Liaison University Agency Field Instructor client Agency Supervisor client Seminar group Related agency MSW class Figure 2
Principles of systems theory that apply to power 1.Seeking homeostasis – systems seek stability; good and bad 2.relationships are either complementary or symmetrical Complementary is 1-2, 2-3,-3-4, 1-3, 2-4 etc. Involve power disparity, giving orders/taking orders – unequal power authority. Symmetrical is equal relationships 1-1, 2-2 etc. Problems arise when attempt is made to change complementary to symmetrical or vica versa Problems also arise when there is conflict between those in a symmetrical relationship. See Diagram example on next slide: Mental health and Family and children services are seeing same clients. Mental health sees the client as a mentally ill single parent, living with older mother and father. From mental health point of view Mother needs responsibility of ongoing childcare with help of parents. Dept. Of family and children services is concerned with the child and sees the mother as neglectful, wants grandparents to take legal custody of child or place in foster care. Thus, two services are in conflict with client in the middle. Neither has enough power to make what they wish, happen. The more conflict escalates the more WHAT? Happens.
3.Pay attention to Triangles - Triangles refer to relationships involving three or more people wiith the Same or differing degrees of power. In triangulation, alliances are formed, usually between two parts of the triangle to deal with the remaining part. In many cases the alliances may be unwilling or unwitting. For example, worker a who is having difficulty with her supervisor b, may form an alliance with an intern c who receives field instruction from b in order to get info on b. In families pathological triangles are often essence of dysfunctional behavior and scapegoating. What happens in a triangle is that at any given time, alliances are formed or maintained that block progress growth and development. Triangles often rigid. They occur when a predictable pattern of relating emerges among three of more people, at the expense of at least one of them. They ususally involve at least one person with greater or lesser power. Triangles are often attempts to balance power disparities. Below is the diagram described on previous slide! 44 1 symmetrical complementary WHAT CAN HAPPEN AS THE CONFLICT IN THE SYMMETRICAL RELATIONSHIP ESCALATES? Indicates overt conflict
Student MSW program Liaison University Agency Field Instructor Client Agency Supervisor Client Seminar group Related agency MSW class Figure 3 Typical lines in eco-map Lines are added that Indicate flow of resources Or energy
student MSW PROGRAM Liaison Univer sity Agency Field Instructor client Agency Supervisor client Seminar group Related agency MSW class Figure 1 Add resource relationship lines among others
= good relationship = weak relationship = conflict or problem relationship = covert conflict = cutoff or broken relationship
student MSW PROGRAM Liaison Univer sity Agency Field Instructor client Agency Supervisor client Seminar group Related agency MSW class Figure 1 Different lines indicate different types of rel. conflict Covert conflict weak solid
Student 2 MSW program 4-5 Liaison 3-4 University 5 Agency 4 Field Instructor 3 Client 1 Agency Supervisor 4 Client 1 Seminar group 2-3 Related agency 4 MSW class 2 Figure 4 Add power ratings; notice triangles
When other relationships are added, along with power ratings, we can see how complex intra- and inter-agency systems really are. Notice the number of triangles, all potentially helpful or harmful. In macro practice there is no such thing as a simple one on one relationship! What happens to you, when there is a conflict between your client and your field instructor? Your liaison and the agency director?
student MSW PROGRAM Liaison University Agency Field Instructor client Agency Supervisor client Seminar group Related agency MSW class Figure 1
SW Intern 2 Principal 4 Secretary 2-3 Cottage therapist 4 Teacher 3 Field instructor 4 Clinical director 5 Students 1 Eco-map of student in residential adolescent treatment Figure 6