KINGDOM FUNGI Nucleated Single celled Multicellular Sexual Asexual Heterotrophs – Saprotroph – Parasites – Symbiosis
MULTICELLUAR Vegetative body made up of mycelium Mycelium made of filaments called hyphae Have cell-walls made of chitin Some cell separate by cell wall (septate hyphae) or they may be nonseptate. Hyphae secrete enzymes and absorb nutrients sometimes embedding in host or symbiotic pal
REPRODUCTION Asexual budding=yeast Asexual sporulative=spores Zygotic sporulative=spores
Phylum Chytridiomycota Simple Unicellular Killing off amphibians
Phylum Zygomycota Characterized by three types of hyphae Asexual and sexual spore reproduction Rhizopus stolonifer, BLACK BREAD MOLD
Rhizopus Slide
Phylum Gloeromycota A type of mycorrhizae
Phylum Ascomycota Characterized by tiny sac in which meiospores are formed called asci Mostly zygotic sporulative and multicellular but asexual budding in single celled yeast Yummy morels and truffles Penicillium=cheese and antibiotics Saprotrophs, symbiosis, and parasites (Dutch Elm Disease Fungi in Lichen (more to come)
Peziza life cycle
Lichen=Symbiosis of Ascomycota and Green Algae Foliose Fruticose Crustose
Lichen—Who’s who
Phylum Basidiomycota Called club fungi because of the basidia=terminal cells of reproductive hyphae Often zygotic sporulative reproduction Saprotrophs, symbiosis, and parasites (RUSTS!) Many of the mushrooms you recognize i.e. shelf, capped, puffballs etc.
Developing Mushroom
Common Basidiomycota Anatomy