Hammurabi’s Code: Imposing order or the beginning of unfair laws?
October 2, 2013 Mesopotamia: Babylonia’s Code of Hammurabi was first set of comprehnsive laws in history 5-Minute Essay Identify a time when you were unfairly accused and/or punished Describe the circumstances Identify your feelings What did you learn?
Identify the Problem It is the year 1772 BC and Mesopotamia is becoming a thriving civilization with thousands of people sharing a common space. As they make the shift toward a farming culture, people have settled down, built houses, and started farming the land. What kinds of problems might arise when people live close together?
Gather Evidence Please read the 15 preselected Hammurabi’s Laws.Hammurabi’s Laws Summarize 5 of the 15 laws. Which ones do you believe are fair? What makes them fair? Which laws do you believe are unfair? Why do you believe they are unfair?
Determine the Causes Review the 15 laws provided. Write them down. Explain what you think are the societal causes for these laws.
Evaluate the Existing Policy If we look at these 15 laws as a whole, what can we learn about life in 1772 BC? What methods did Hammurabi use (for example, fines, physical punishment, etc.) Do you believe these methods are effective? Why or why not?
Comparative Analysis Read the article about a judge who used “eye for an eye” to discipline an 11-year-old.article Does this reflect the basic idea behind Hammurabi’s Code? Do you agree with this punishment? Why or why not?