Clearly defined and achievable steps / targets. Tangible reward / means to celebrate achievement Builds leadership capacity Symbols – daily reminder of our values Progression – bronze, silver and gold awards Equality and fairness?
Context – transformative potential of pupil (and parent) voice. Pupils’ Champions Group Dyslexic and non dyslexic pupils Vision of DF School
Assemblies Empathy - simulated exercises in processing information Social and emotional impact of dyslexia Supporting the learning of a dyslexic friend Understanding the need for additional supports
Measurable impact on pupil attitudes / relationships Improved health and well being. Improved engagement with supports Improved engagement with learning Benefits in direct proportion to active involvement in Pupil Champions’ Group
Meaningful partnerships Parent Champions (worked with pupils) Family Support Network Raise expectations of dyslexic learners Learning at home Inspiring role models Celebrating wider personal achievements A context for mutual support Learning together
Engagement of hard to reach parents / children. Supporting our learning. Review of homework policies Practical support eg tool boxes, information leaflets etc Still to be formally evaluated
CPD provided by Neil McKay All had improved understanding of challenges, feel more able to identify dyslexic difficulties and provide appropriate personalisation strategies Pupil Champions’ CPD Teacher Champions Close alignment to Literacy Strategy Tri-learning and sharing best practice
Improved learning environment/ social and emotional climate of the classroom Improved personalisation More flexible assessment strategies Better peer support More seeking support Higher expectations Improved literacy attainment in BGE Now - earlier intervention – to limit the social and emotional damage caused by literacy failure
Margaret Crankshaw! Authority wide approach SLT involvement A cluster based approach Contextualised in literacy strategy Values based approach – respect, diversity, achievement. Our young people and parents.
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