Going Deeper: Personal Prayer
Lord, we thank you, For the gift of this day, For the gifts of love and life, For the gift of fellow pilgrims and companions on the way, We give you thanks O Lord Pause in silence and pray for one another
As I listen to your word, May I hear your gentle whisper. As your word goes with me this day, May it renew my heart and mind.
1. Affluence Our lack of prayer is almost in direct proportion to our affluence.
2.Distraction Life Our Choices Internal “noise”
3.The Scorecard “Every single day, we are in the courtroom. Every single day, we are on trial. In the courtroom you have the prosecution and the defence. And everything we do is providing evidence for the prosecution or evidence for the defence. Some days we feel we are winning the trial and other days we feel we are losing it.” Tim Keller
As I lie down this night I take off the business of the day, Burden Bearer, and hang it on your shoulders; I take off the cares of tomorrow, Timeless One, and lay them in your presence; I take off the anxieties of the night, Prince of Peace, and rest in your deep peace. Lord, your gaze has held us all through the day. Tonight as quiet descends and sleep arises, may you, who never sleeps, continue your loving gaze on us. Amen
Go in peace, the Lord is with you. Go in peace, the Lord is within you. Go in peace, for wherever you go, the Lord is already there to greet you. Amen.