Russian Pharma: Road map 21 May 2013 Shulyak Sergey General Director DSM Group
Growth of the pharmaceutical market has stabilized Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF
Growth of the pharmaceutical market in dollars Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF
Turnover of drugs`market is positive in EURO Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF
Commercial segment in recent years growing much faster Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF
Retail segment is 74% Russian pharma market Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF
The largest contribution to the growth of pharma market - structural change in favor of expensive drugs Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF
Russian pharmaceutical market: a lot or a little? Source: DSM Group, Rating: Expert 400 for 2012
Manufacturing of pharmaceutical products and medical devices in Russia Source: GKS
Retail trade turnover Source: GKS, DSM
Per capita consumption of medicines in Russia (pharma market) Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF
Per capita consumption of medicines are rising in direct proportion to income population Source: DSM Group, GKS
Domestic products occupy 24% in terms of value, 60% in terms of volume Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF, 2012
Localized products occupy 32% in terms of value, 68% in terms of volume Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF, 2012
Forecast 2013 Source: DSM Group, audit of pharmaceutical market RF
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