Discovery process Step 1 – Make Observation - Qualitative: non-numerical - Quantitative: numerical
Formulating hypothesis - possible explanation to a problem
Perform experiment - test of the hypothesis Experiment must be controlled -means you can only look at one variable at a time
Analyze results of the experiment -results called DATA Graphs are used for showing theses relationships The independent variable goes on x-axis, the dependent variable on the y-axis
A “best fit” line is drawn between the data points Extrapolation – when a point beyond the actual data collected is estimated from the best fit line Interpolation- when a point between two collected data points is estimated from the best fit line
As one variable increases, the other increases
As one variable increases, the other decreases
Conclusion - if experimental evidence confirms the hypothesis a theory is formed (also called a model) - Natural Law: statement of reoccurring observed behavior - natural law state observation, theory tells why the natural behavior occurs