Susan B. Farmer
Don’t study to pass the test; study to Learn! Come to class (and not to talk/text) Start studying for The Test yesterday! Take notes – use PPT as outline! Transcribe your notes! Do the study guides before each exam Clarifies what you don’t understand! If you don’t get it, come and see me! 2
Do the assigned work! x.php/campuslife/23-science-backed- study-tips-to-ace-a-test x.php/campuslife/23-science-backed- study-tips-to-ace-a-test ighting-is-a-waste-of-time-the-best-and- worst-learning-techniques/?hpt=hp_bn16 ighting-is-a-waste-of-time-the-best-and- worst-learning-techniques/?hpt=hp_bn16 Read and FOLLOW directions! I take off points for not following directions! 3
Put BOTH names on your papers!!!!! ABAC “emergency number” (229) I do not give out grades via /FB/etc. Check out links on my faculty page (that are under construction!) How to succeed (being worked on) This ain’t High School Homonyms 7
Do NOT staple/fasten different assignments together! Make certain you have enough ink! Don’t pad a paper just to meet the word count. It really is obvious … (if it’s too short, you probably missed something!) Invest in a stapler Those stoopid caterpillar things on your paper? ….. Yeah ….. 8
You’ll make out your own study guide – there may be some guidance from me in the form of questions/assignments Extra credit questions are on each exam Exams may very well include essay questions Don’t be asking for more! 9
Programmable calculators, PDAs, cell phones, headphones, etc. are not permitted during exams or quizzes. Failure to comply will result in a ZERO for the exercise. Ball caps or other hats or head wear may not be worn on test days. 10
Make-up exams will NOT be given (after the fact!) – if you miss it; it’s your drop grade 11
Attendance Exams (Science/Math will no longer provide Scantrons) Thursday, 22 August, we’ll enroll and test the iClicker. 15 points!!! 12
Every paper written for me must (but not limited to) be double spaced with proper margins! have a single spaced (yes, I know that’s not MLA!) header block on the right of the 1 st page Your name Your class **AND** your class meeting time (or lab as appropriate) The topic of the paper USE IN-TEXT CITATIONS – even for paraphrases! include a proper bibliography (MUST be CSE style!) Be submitted to (not hunting it down!) See BasicFormatting (and CommonMistakes) for full directions! 13
Papers due by class time on the date due A confirmed time in (before 9AM on the due date) will get you until the NEXT class period to bring me a paper copy! Penalties? A letter grade/class. 14
DON’T! I DO CHECK! And so does turnitin! Copying or paraphrasing without attribution is considered plagiarism. If it’s not an original thought with you, you’ve got to cite a source! (and in the text!) Check out PlagiarismExamples on WebCT! If you don’t know how to paraphrase, check with the Writing Center! Quotations ….. 15
0/06/copyright-infringement-plagiarism- and-fair-use/ 0/06/copyright-infringement-plagiarism- and-fair-use/ giarismVsCopyright.html giarismVsCopyright.html arism-vs-copyright.php arism-vs-copyright.php sm/ sm/
How do you learn? -- ml ml -- es/LearningStylesInventory.aspx es/LearningStylesInventory.aspx -- --
You’ll write at least one 5-7 page research paper on some aspect of Plant Physiology Lab related smaller paper Papers will be peer-graded, revised and then turn into me. More info later. 18
Critter Papers may be revised IFF Done within 2 weeks The original is turned in AT THE SAME TIME For maximum credit, make all revisions! Late points are not recoverable with revision If you plagiarize your paper, you can NOT revise it! 19
If you can’t open them Right Click and save to the desktop – then open outside of your browser Let me know and I’ll put up.PDF files! Explore different printing options to save paper (and $$$) and provide note-taking space! You can print in black & white! 20
1. Your name 2. Your major 3. ABAC activities you’re involved in 4. Alternate address 5. Are you in my biology lab? 6. Anything else you want me to know about you 21