The First Red Scare 1918-1921. WWI Ends 1918 Numerous deaths and destruction Numerous deaths and destruction world “mood” altered becoming violent and.


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Presentation transcript:

The First Red Scare

WWI Ends 1918 Numerous deaths and destruction Numerous deaths and destruction world “mood” altered becoming violent and unsettled world “mood” altered becoming violent and unsettled

Government during WWI gained more control gained more control strict laws used against Americans strict laws used against Americans mood of fear and suspicion mood of fear and suspicion –Especially of foreigners –Xenophobia

Soldiers return home production decreases production decreases unemployment soars unemployment soars wages fell wages fell prices of goods remain high prices of goods remain high strikes erupt strikes erupt

Bolshevik (Communist) Revolution Russia, 1917 Russia, 1917 World’s first communist state created by Vladimir Lenin World’s first communist state created by Vladimir Lenin Violent state Violent state Promoted revolutions around the world Promoted revolutions around the world

Unrest Begins in the US Radicals in the West organized a communist party, powerless Radicals in the West organized a communist party, powerless Caused chaos; terrified the nation Caused chaos; terrified the nation Communist hysteria Communist hysteria April 1919 packages with bombs delivered through the mail April 1919 packages with bombs delivered through the mail

Responses to the Red Scare Wilson was president Wilson was president Laws passed during WWI that prevented people from protesting Laws passed during WWI that prevented people from protesting “Fighting Quaker” Attorney Gen. Palmer led crusade against leftists with suspect allegiance, 6000 suspects held. “Fighting Quaker” Attorney Gen. Palmer led crusade against leftists with suspect allegiance, 6000 suspects held. Palmer Raids = arresting US citizens who were radicals, imprisoned and denied a lawyer Palmer Raids = arresting US citizens who were radicals, imprisoned and denied a lawyer

The “Red Scare” Dec. 1919: 249 alien radicals deported to Russia on the ship Buford. Dec. 1919: 249 alien radicals deported to Russia on the ship Buford. Sept. 1920: Hysteria heightened by bomb on Wall Street. Sept. 1920: Hysteria heightened by bomb on Wall Street.

Anarchy Anarchists also began to act out against the government Anarchists also began to act out against the government Bomb on Wall Street killed 38, injured 400 Bomb on Wall Street killed 38, injured 400

Several states passed criminal syndicalism laws: mere advocacy of violence for social change was criminalized. Several states passed criminal syndicalism laws: mere advocacy of violence for social change was criminalized. 1920: 5 NY legislators denied seats because they were Socialists. 1920: 5 NY legislators denied seats because they were Socialists. Conservative business owners used “scare” against labor: “open” shop was “American plan.” Conservative business owners used “scare” against labor: “open” shop was “American plan.” 1921: Many regarded the conviction of Sacco & Vanzetti as a “judicial lynching” because they were Italians, atheists, anarchists, and draft dodgers. 1921: Many regarded the conviction of Sacco & Vanzetti as a “judicial lynching” because they were Italians, atheists, anarchists, and draft dodgers.

Back to Normal May 1920 things settling down May 1920 things settling down Public backlash to Palmer Raids and restrictions on protesting Public backlash to Palmer Raids and restrictions on protesting Warren G. Harding elected president 1921 pardoned and freed victims of Palmer Raids Warren G. Harding elected president 1921 pardoned and freed victims of Palmer Raids

Post-War Paranoia Wrap Up In what ways was America different after WWI? In what ways was America different after WWI? Who were the two groups of people that Americans were afraid of? Who were the two groups of people that Americans were afraid of? What is Xenophobia? What is Xenophobia? Who was executed for being suspected anarchists? Who was executed for being suspected anarchists? What was the First Red Scare? What was the First Red Scare?